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Become A Member Of Her Campus CUA

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Are you interested in business, media studies, communications, journalism, fashion, trends, and making a difference at CUA? Her Campus CUA is looking for creative and motivated writers to join our team! Whether you are a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, joining Her Campus is an excellent way to boost your resume and publish work online.

We meet once a week to brainstorm, pitch, and assign articles for the following week. Any and all ideas are welcome!  The Her Campus CUA team is made up of students of Marketing, Psychology, Social Work, International Business, Biology, and more! The more diverse the ideas– the better!

Applications work on a rolling basis and can be submitted at any time!

If you have any questions, please don’t hestitate to email Katherine Baxter ’16 at katherinebaxter@hercampus.com or Caroline Ware ’16 at carolineware@hercampus.com