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CUA’s Cutest Fresbians: JayNi and JaiMe ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.


Jayni: Jayni Webster

Jaime: Jaime LaCasse

…or Jaynme for short


Jayni: Senior

Jaime: Senior


Jayni: Psychology

Jaime: Politics


Jaime: Portland, Maine ~ Canada’s 14th province

Jayni: San Francisco, CA

Relationship Status:

Jayni: Married to the game

Jaime: Single.

So, how did you two meet?

Jayni: I don’t really remember but chances are I probably found her passed out on some couch and decided she was unfit to tackle college on her own… However, I’ve done nothing to improve this habit and “couch girl” still reigns supreme.

Jaime: Well CUA deemed Jaynis original roommate unfit for college about a month into school, kicked her out of their Reagan suite, and we’ve been shacking up ever since. (We’ve been roommates since then, get it?)

At what point did you two realize you were best friends:

Jayni: Well Jaime didn’t have any other choices… And being the good Catholic I am, I took her in as charity work. Three months into our friendship she built bunk beds in my room and things have only gone uphill since then.

Jaime: I’d agree with Jayni that it was mostly just a lack of options. About a month into freshman year I realized I should just cling to her because nobody else would be willing to spend all of their free time with me.

3 words to describe one another:

Jayni: ”Bill Belichick’s Biatch”

Jaime: if I had to choose just three I’d probably go with: “always needs attention”

Guilty pleasure:


Jamie: Checkers Baconzilla Fries

Biggest turn on’s:

Jayni: A mixture of Conor Mcgregors attitude, Seth Rogen’s humor, and Jaime LaCasse’s sandwich making ability.

Jaime: I really like a good sense of humor, but more importantly you should definitely be laughing at the funny things I’m saying. That’s super hot. But, to answer for Jayni’s biggest turn on, I’d have to say: noodles.

Biggest turn off’s:

Jayni: Dogs that require more attention than me.

Jaime: if you’re a Jets fan it’s probably not going to work out… sorry Kieran, you know I love you anyways.

Each of your most embarrassing moments at CUA?

Jayni: Well, fortunately for the CUA Athletic Department, I am the Duf Laundry Girl. One time Jaime embarrassed me by going to a CUA Men’s basketball game and the AD tried to ask her to throw her water bottle out.. She pulled the, “don’t you know who I am” and he obviously didn’t have a clue .. to which she replied, “well I’m the assistant to the Duf Laundry Girl.” Bobby and I both claimed innocence and swore we didn’t know who she was. I’m still the Duf Laundry Girl, and Jaime continues to do embarrassing things for the both of us.

Jaime: One night I got locked in a bathroom at a house party after the doorknob came unscrewed, so getting me out of there kind of caused a scene. But the most embarrassing part of the story is that I was in there looking for mouthwash because the guy I was talking to just before told me I smelled like onions. Overall not a great time for me, looking back I probably should have stayed in.


Do you two fight often?

Jayni: Only if she’s acting up.

Jaime: One time and it was completely my fault…. ‘Mom’ caught me smoking a cigarette and it escalated quickly; last fight we’ve had and last cigarette I’ve even looked at.

Favorite thing to do together:

Jayni: She likes to tell me things that are going on with the Patriots, while I pretend to listen and tag her in pictures of food on Instagram just to try and distract her. This happens Every. Single. Night.

Jaime: Eat nachos with all the meats on them and drink beers while we pretend to care about each other’s sports teams.

Thoughts on St. Patty’s day:

Jayni: Jameson. “Jaime and Ginger”, the title of our autobiography and our favorite drink.

Jaime: Green is one of my favorite colors, Jayni is one of my favorite people, drinking is one of my favorite hobbies, and this day celebrates all three of those things so all positive thoughts over here.