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CUA Women’s Soccer Captain: Kirsten Wosleger

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Name: Kirsten Wosleger

Year: 2016
Major: Elementary Education
Hometown: Rockville Centre, New York
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Soccer position: Outside Midfield
Favorite soccer memory: Winning the 2014 Landmark Championship
Most Embarrassing Soccer Memory: Tripping over my own feet during a game in high school 
What I’ll Miss Most About CUA Soccer: My teammates
Soccer Inspiration: Carli Lloyd 
Thoughts on Narp Life: Don’t know what I will do with all of the free time!
Guilty Pleasure: Nicholas Sparks movies
Celeb Crush: Adam Levine
Fun Fact: I have six siblings
Pregame Rituals: Having my teammates braid my hair for me