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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

If there is one feeling almost all college students can relate to, it’s homesickness. I always knew I wanted to go out of state for college, but never took into account how hard it would be to be far from home. People often assume this feeling just goes away as you spend more time at college, but this is not always the case. Over the last two years, it has become an easier feeling to deal with, but there are still days I find myself just wishing I could be at home with my family and dog, curled up on my couch. However, there are some things I have realized help a lot with easing this feeling, making  it easier to cope with.

  1. Talking with family: I know this is somewhat of a no-brainer, but I have found facetiming my family to really help with homesickness. Seeing their faces while talking is the next best thing to seeing them in person, and it always cheers me up. I often call my mom when I’m walking back from class, just talking about our days really helps me feel connected to home and like there isn’t such a distance between us.
  2. Making a home away from home: Decorating my room and making it feel less ‘sterile’ really helped me my freshman year. Things like fuzzy blankets, posters, fairy lights, and pictures of family and friends really help in creating a comfortable space. It made me feel much more situated at school, and not like this was a temporary thing that I just had to deal with until I got to go home.
  3. Keeping busy: I have always found that when I have too much free time, is when I get really homesick and feel isolated. Spending time with friends, watching a show, or even just doing homework with other people or in a public space, can really help with getting your mind off feelings of homesickness. 
  4. Getting involved on campus: Going to events and joining clubs is also a great way to create a sense of community and home at college. There are so many different student organizations, and it is a great way to meet people with similar interests, or backgrounds. Making connections with fellow students can keep you busy, as well as help with the feelings of isolation often associated with homesickness.
  5.  Using the counseling center on campus: Talking about your feelings to a person with an outside perspective can really help. It is a completely confidential setting, and they can help provide different coping mechanisms for when you are really struggling with this feeling! For Catholic University students, to schedule an appointment you can call 202-319-5765 or go to the Counseling Center, located at 127 O’Boyle Hall.

Self-care is so important during college, and practicing methods that help you to deal with an emotion like homesickness, rather than just ignoring it, can go a long way in helping your general mental health.

Hi! I'm Caroline Chaney and I attend the Catholic University of America, located in Washington, D.C. I am a Sociology major with a minor in Politics and I love reading, listening to 70's music, and spending time with family and friends :)