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3 Signs It Could be Time to Change Your Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Coming to college, you are told that you will most likely going to change your major at least once before you graduate. You hear horror stories from upper classman of how they changed 3 or 4 times, but really this is fairly common.  Personally, I didn’t believe them because I thought I knew for sure what I wanted to be when I grew up. I was wrong.  Here are a few ways I figured out I needed to change my major, and if you can relate maybe you should too!

You Are Uninspired:

It is really good if you come to college with a major you are excited about. However, if you start to take the classes and that excitement starts to disappear, you may want to consider other options. The classes you take for your major should be the ones that keep you interested and inspired, not make it feel like a chore. Always remind yourself that your major is going to turn into your future career and if it is starting to lame now, imagine how it will feel 10 years down the road.

You Say what They Want To Hear:

Everyone is going to ask you about your major, you can’t avoid that, and you should love to talk about it when they do!  What you are majoring in should be something you are passionate about and makes you beam when you talk about it.  For me, I found myself telling people the same rehearsed responses of what I thought that they wanted to hear like, “I’m going to get an internship this summer” when really applying for internships and actually having to go was the last thing I wanted to do.  

You Are More Passionate About Other Things:

This is the biggest red flag.  What you are going to school for should be what you love to do most most, a great thing about going to CWU is that we have huge departments with a ton of focuses, so something for just about everyone. If your eyes light up when you are talking about something else, it might be time to start reconsidering. When this happens, many people think that this is a bad thing, but in reality, this is what college is for, to help you find areas you did not know you were interested in and to open new doors of opportunity!

Can anybody else relate to this? If you do, let us know in the comments! It takes time to learn about what you really love and where you are meant to go in life, it should be fun so go have a blast with it!





Her Campus CWU President, Editor-in-chief, and Writer Senior at Central Washington University Major: Social Services Minor: Communications