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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Almost everyone is stuck inside right now. This may not affect some people mentally, but for those who have anxiety and/or depression, staying inside for days on end can take a toll on their psyche. As someone who has anxiety and depression, not being allowed to go anywhere has definitely affected me mentally and physically. With that being said, I have started to dig myself out of my little depression hole with just a few simple steps.

Go Outside

a photo of an open planner
Free-Photos | Pixabay

Just because you have to remain six feet from people does not mean you can’t take a nice walk! With the weather improving, I like to go on walks during the evening. It doesn’t matter how long you walk for, a simple 15-minute walk can help you clear your mind and catch a breath of fresh air!

Make Your Own Routine

Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

With most of us working remotely or going to class online, making a routine can help you not only get stuff done but can help your mental health, as well! A daily schedule is a great way to keep things organized and boost your mental health.

Eat Healthy Foods

a grocery store produce wall
nrd | Unsplash
​I know that you may just want to sit around and eat Doritos all day, but that’s a great way to start a bad habit and drain your mental health bank. Eating healthy foods can help you get all those nutrients that can boost your mental health! And make sure to eat at least two or three meals a day. The routine that comes with eating healthy is a great way to fight off those anxiety demons!

Find a Craft

craft table
Vladimir Proskurovskiy
I personally love painting, so I went online and found a cute paint-by-number canvas that I can hang up on my wall when I’m done! It’s never too late to find a new skill, and being stuck at home for who knows how long is the best time to do that!


With all that being said, it’s ok to be lazy and sit in bed. If you need a mental health day, don’t be afraid to take time to yourself and take care of your brain! These tips are just some things that I do to try and boost my mental health and not be stuck in a depression hole.

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Self-love advocate and intersectional feminist with a passion for music, photography, and writing (she/her)