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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

It feels good to be writing again after winter break, and I’m glad to be back with my peers, but I’ve been feeling my mental health slipping as we dive deeper into this winter quarter. I’ve been brainstorming a bit and asked people around me for feedback on what to do when you’re feeling down mid-semester/quarter. I hope these serve as a good reminder or some good tips!


Connection is the most significant point of concern for so many college students, especially after coming back from such a long quarantine. Connecting with peers and making friends is proving difficult for me as well, but I joined Her Campus to help fight that. Joining clubs is a great way to foster connections, and I find myself looking forward to meetings each week so I can get out of the house and talk to people with similar interests.

Wake Up Early

Honestly, this sounds so horrible and I tried to implement this into my schedule for so long, and finally just started doing it. I’ve really noticed a difference in my mood when I wake up early and start being productive when I feel ready for it. If I have a class at 10, I’m waking up at seven so I have more control over my day. 

A Seasonal Affective Disorder Light / Vitamin D Supplement

I am a huge proponent of light therapy boxes. These lights mimic the actual sun and have proven to help symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. I sit in front of mine when I’m working, doing makeup, and eating meals, and I feel like this winter is different than winter’s past because of this light. Another great way to supplement that good sunny mood is to consider taking a Vitamin D supplement in the winter!

Be nice to yourself!

I know this one sounds silly, but it’s super easy to beat yourself up when things start to slip. I’m really struggling right now with self-kindness but I’m always trying to give myself grace and remember that I can’t give and be 100% all the time. 

If you liked these tips, follow our website for more articles!

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