Going to college is already a challenging job on its own, but adding work onto it and then still trying to have somewhat of a social life is a lot to fit into a 24 hour day. So let’s just take a look into a day in the life of a working college student!
I start off my day by waking up between 6:15 – 6:45 am to get ready for work. Then depending on the weather, I’ll leave anywhere between 6:50 and 7:20 to either walk or bike to work.
Then once my shift at work is over, I walk or bike back home and hunker down to do some school work. I will then make a smoothie or have a bowl of oatmeal and some coffee to fill me up until the afternoon. With a busy schedule, a nice balanced diet filled with nutrients will benefit you greatly.Â
Shortly after I get some food in my system, I will make my way back to work for my second shift of the day. By walking and biking to and from work, it is a great way for me to get my daily exercise in but also is a great time for me to get out of my head and just be present.Â
By the time my second shift comes to an end, I make my way back home and eat a small snack on the way in preparation for either an hour at the gym or a little yoga session in my room. This is followed by more homework and study time before I rest for the night.Â
I value my mental health very much and especially in the world we are living in right now, it is very important to take time to yourself and better yourself. I try to not do any homework after 6-6:30 pm so that way my brain has time to unwind and relax before I go to bed.Â
After I finish up my last homework assignment for the night, I make myself some dinner and watch a little Netflix or start a movie. Then I take a shower to fully relax from my crazy day and put on cozy clothes as I cuddle into bed and continue what I was watching earlier.Â
As my day comes to an end, I either journal or read a couple of pages from my book to help my brain transition from screen to sleep. I am normally asleep between 9:30-10:30 pm during the week so that I get enough sleep to support me for my next crazy busy day.Â
This is currently the cycle of my life as a working college student, but I hope you all also have great schedules that fit your lifestyle too! Tailor your schedule to focus on your academics or anything else that’s important to you!