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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Dean, oh Dean.

Where do we even start with you?

How about Rachel’s season, back when you had all of our hearts. When we met you, you were shy, but something about you sparkled. Rachel saw it. We all saw it. You came onto the Bachelorette looking for love, and we, the people, were rooting for you. You told your story about how your dad wasn’t there for you after your mom left and we were sad for you. So many people watching the Bachelorette heard your story and thought “awwuh” he’s just a normal guy with a past.

You had a past that many of us sitting on our couches, pouring our souls into the Bachelorette, could relate to.

When you had that moment at your dad’s house with Rachel, laying on the pillows and she told you she loved you, we were happy for you, because you let yourself be vulnerable with her, and she understood and met your vulnerability with confidence in you.

And, when Rachel sent you home soon after she said she loved you, we were upset for you. We understood your anger toward her. We knew it was just a defense mechanism because you were upset. We wanted happiness for you.

So, when it was announced that you would be participating in Bachelor in Paradise, we were ecstatic.

We were ready for you to find love. You were young and free and what we believed, a really great guy.

The guy who walked into Bachelor in Paradise however, was not the Dean we grew to love and adore.

So into Paradise you walk, as D-Bag Dean. The new and not-so-improved wannabe womanizer. You walked out of Rachel’s season, and instead of growing from the experience, you took 10 giant steps backward.

Kristina is perfect. She gave her all to you, and you played with her heart. You strung her along, knowing that you would drop her any second for someone better. She was patient, but you hurt her and you knew you were hurting her the whole time. Your lack of commitment was obvious to us, but you did not make it obvious to her. You told her you wanted her but as soon as D-Lo walked into the picture, you bounced back and forth between the two girls.

This is NOT okay. For a healthy, functional relationship, there must be a foundation of trust and respect. Both were lacking from your end.

“Kristina is so much more perceptive, smart and interesting altogether, but D-Lo is f***ing HOT.”

The entire point of the show is to find a find a forever-partner. Why did you bother? Your intentions did not seem to match up. You were there to be a f***boy, and you succeeded.

Many of us, who have been through breakups understand that what you went through with Rachel was hard, and this was probably your rebound, but what you did to Kristina? We thought you were better than that (we were wrong).

I’ll go ahead and say what we’re all thinking:


Get it together.


Central Washington University Junior Event Planning Major Aspiring Wedding Planner
President at Her Campus CWU Senior, Public Relations Major at Central Washington University!