This week HC CWU met up with a soon to be Central Washington University alumni, Lexi Hitchens. Lexi is graduating with a Clinical Physiology Major and has extraordinary plans for after she parts with CWU. Although she did come from the rainy town of tumwater, which is just outside of our capital Olympia, she plans to have fun in the sun in Florida while continuing her exciting journey at a Physical Therapy school. While working hard on her major for the past four years, she has also been working at D&M coffee stand as a barista right here in town! Here’s a little more info on the talk we had with Lex this week.
Why did you pick CWU as a freshman?
My grandparents live in Ellensburg and I used to visit a ton in the summer. When I decided to go to college this was my first choice. It’s the perfect distance from my hometown. Central also had one of the only clinical physiology programs in Washington State.
How was your time here at CWU?
The last 4 years here at Central have honestly been the best years of my life. I’ve made so many memories and friends that I’ll keep dear to my heart forever. I’ve grown so much and learned a lot about myself and life and who I want to be when I grow up. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else but Ellensburg for the last 4 years.
Did you have a job while at CWU?
I have had a job since sophomore year here in Ellensburg. It has definitely been challenging, but I think it has helped me in the long run. I’ve been balancing 30 Hour work weeks and full time school for the past 3 years. I honestly look forward to life after school, just working sounds like a break.
What is your major/minor and why did you choose this path?
My major is clinical physiology. The plan is to attend a physical therapy school in the near future. I’ve always been interested in the medical field and when I came across physical therapy, I just fell in love with it. The rehabilitation aspect is super rewarding. I’m definitely a people person and I feel like this is the perfect fit for me.
Do you have plans for after you graduate CWU?
I plan to move to Florida after graduation. I was born and raised in Washington and have never experienced anything else. There’s 11 physical therapy schools in Florida alone, so there is ample opportunity for me there. Plus Florida is basically paradise, who wouldn’t want to live there?
Next time you swing through D&M to grab a quick coffee, or are hanging out on campus and happen to see Lexi, make sure to give her a big hello and congrats on such admirable success here at Central Washington University!