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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

With Halloween gone and passed us, we people need to look forward to another holiday to get us through the midterm blues. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and what else is better than celebrating Friendsgiving with your close buddies from school. This is a great opportunity for bonding activities within clubs, sports teams, or even your close group of friends! Don’t know how to plan a Friendsgiving? No worries, we’re here to help!

Make it a Potluck

Potluck style is always best for a Friendsgiving because it shows that everyone is contributing and making it fair.

It Doesn’t Have to be Traditional Thanksgiving Food

Of course, you can have traditional Thanksgiving food, but not everyone has their grandma’s secret recipe for their green bean casserole dish on hand. Even if you bring pizza, the whole meaning of Thanksgiving is to give thanks for one another.

Have Someone hold Friendsgiving at a House

Whoever offers a place to have Friendsgiving is a very generous person, just don’t have it in a dorm room. A house setting is always so nice and cozy and where there is a big enough table and chairs for everyone to sit.


Music always makes people feel more comfortable, with a little nice music in the background I’m sure everyone will have a great time.


If you follow these simple steps your Friendsgiving will be amazing! Happy Holidays everybody!



Her Campus CWU Social Media Director / Treasurer / Writer  Senior at Central Washington University  Major: Public Relations Minor: Event Managment Zodiac: Cancer ♋︎