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New Year School Year, Same Hot Mess

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Is it just us or did it feel like summer break was just a blink? One second you are studying for finals, the next you are on the beaches of California and then “What! There’s a quiz next Tuesday?” Sadly it is that season again where fall rolls around and it’s time to get down to business, and many people find themselves on the verge of a messy breakdown one week into class. Now, don’t forget that this is normal, and hopefully some of these next few tips and tricks to turn that mess into a hot mess.

Planners Do Save Lives

If you are not already on the planner game then you probably think this one is silly, but hear us out.  Once you discover the beauty of one single book that organizes the chaos that is your life, it is a game changer. Planners are wonderful because they help you map out your life so nothing is forgotten. It helps you understand everything you have to do and when you need to do it. Planners also help you prioritize your school work and social life to make sure you never miss another deadline! Also, an added bonus is that you can make it super fun by color coding, using sticky notes, and stickers to make it all your own!

Look Good, Feel Good

This is super important. When you are stressed out about your new classes and getting back into the swing of things you don’t want to forget to take care of your body and mind.  Remembering to eat regular and right helps you have the energy and brainpower you need to start the year out strong. It does not matter if you cook a healthy dinner every night or just grab and apple instead of a bag of chips for snack, every choice counts. Also, keeping your surroundings clean can make a huge difference in having a clear head space even if it is just making your bed every morning. Not only do you want to feel good on the inside but on the outside too.  Personally, I find that I feel so much better, and get more done when I am rocking my outfit that day.  So, even if you are a mess, try not to wear that Men’s hoodie and leggings to class (I fight this one every day) because if you feel bomb, your day will also reflect that.

Don’t forget that Self-Love


It is important to stay busy.  Keeping yourself distracted from all the stress and anxiety of moving back to school will keep the breakdowns to a minimum and always remember to BREATHE if things start feeling extra crazy to re-ground yourself. With self-love when it comes to being a hot mess it’s important to remember to take care of you, so go ahead and treat yourself! It can be the simple things like taking a shower at the end of a long day or buying yourself a latte because you made it through another week of class. Girl, you deserve it!

The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone in being a hot mess. Everyone is experiencing the same feelings of “omg” and it will take a few weeks to adjust, but soon enough, things will fall into place!

Her Campus CWU President, Editor-in-chief, and Writer Senior at Central Washington University Major: Social Services Minor: Communications  
President at Her Campus CWU Senior, Public Relations Major at Central Washington University!