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News Literacy: The Importance of Staying Informed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

As the largest emerging generation, millennials need to realize that we have an opportunity to change the world for the better. Being a part of this change comes with great responsibility. As a society it is our responsibility informed about what is happening in the news. The United States has a two party system in place, Democratic and Republican. Both sides comes with two extremes, along with extremist new sources. It’s difficult to differentiate between which outlets are extreme, bias, unbiased, unreliable, and reliable so here is a guide to news literacy.

Here is a chart by the Pew Research Center on an array of news sources and how they are classified:

These are a few of popular sources that may catch your eye:



  • Generally, more of a conservative news source

  • FOX has different areas of news they present to the public such as FOX News, FOX Sports, and FOX broadcast that shows T.V. and movies.

  • Click here for more info on Fox News.


  • Generally, more of a liberal news source

  • Very biased and surveyed by the public to not be the most reliable

  • More commentary than factual

  • Click here or more info on MSNBC


  • CNN is generally an unbiased source of news

  • But is known to lean toward more democratic views

  • Pew Research rated it as one of the most reliable news sources


These are some good tools to use in order to get a wide range of news sources is Flipboard or the news app on your cell phone.Within these apps you are able to pick what topics you may be interested in, along with news sources that may apply to those interest:


So let’s recap;

A simple answer may be that is helps you in everyday conversation. People are always talking about the most recent development when it comes to politics, sports, scandals, etc. You are able to come across as a more informed individual simply by pursuing a few news sources every day.

A more complicated answer may be that is helps shape the way you see things that are constantly changing around you and beyond you. It is important to stay up to date on the world, because in fact we are living it it, so why wouldn’t you? It will help you understand the current state of affairs, the direction the world is heading in, and your role as a member of the large population or just within your part of community.

Learning about the the past and present can give you an indication of how things may be in the future. It can help guide you on your career path, political beliefs, and a discovery on new subjects you may be interested it. Perhaps, you will find topics you feel strongly about and find it to be a part of your lifestyle.

You have the resources to pick and choose which sources you want to get your news from at your finger tips. By choosing ones that are on both extreme perspectives like FOX and MSNBC, along with some that are more moderate like, CNN, you are able to get credible news and form your own educated opinion. It is very important to stay knowledgeable about what is happening in the world in order to help keep changing the world for the better.

Let us know how you stay informed with what is going on the world today in the comments!


Her Campus CWU President and Writer Previous Her Campus CWU Events Director Current student at Central Washington University  Major: Public Relations Minor: Advertising, Sports Business, and Interdisplinary Honors I love writing about anything and everything! Politics, fashion, mental health, and many others! I hope to be able to utilize my skills/ endeavors from Her Campus, along with other clubs, organizations, and experience in order to pursue a career in PR.