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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Long, strong, flowing locks of hair is what most girls dream of, but it is not always the easiest thing to achieve.  Depending on your hair type, hair care routine, and how much you dye it or heat style, you’re current mop could need some major TLC,

I personally have light brown, wavy hair but since middle school, I made sure to fry it every day with some type of heat styling.  I did not know how to manage my natural hair and was very insecure so I never wore my waves. Over more than 10 years of cooking my hair, you could definitely tell how dead it was.  In high school I was also so afraid of cutting my hair, so it was always super long and I never got my (very dead) ends trimmed. Not my most shining moments I will admit. After high school, I started to get professionally done blond highlights ( and in college, I box dyed it very dark) and cut it short pretty often. Cutting helped the health of my hair by getting rid of the really dry and dead ends, and I made sure that my highlights did not involve too much bleaching. Even still, however, I had no clue about actual hair health. 

Ayo Ogunseinde for Unsplash
Fast forward to summer 2019, I started wanting to embrace my natural hair, but it was a lot harder when your hair is dry and brittle.  So I started to really take care and learning about my hair type and how to treat it well. I started out using the Curly Girl Method (basically no heat and no silicones or sulfates) and I used the method for about 3 months.  I liked how my hair looked, my waves became very defined, and my hair grew like a weed, but when I came back to school I didn’t really have the time to keep up with it or air dry my hair in the winter months. It really helped the health of my hair, but I have become looser with my routine and sometimes use heat on my hair and am less picky about products.

However, I do still have a much more complex hair care routine than I ever have had in the past, and I pay more attention to what products, ingredients, and techniques I am using on my hair.  Here are some of my tips and tricks if you want healthy, strong, beautiful hair!

Deep Condition

Really the golden rule to healthy, happy hair is moisture.  I used to have crazy oily hair so I was always afraid of conditioner, and for a time, didn’t use any. Big mistake. Most time, oily hair means you have dry hair and your scalp is overcompensating its self to try and moisture itself. So be a good friend to your hair, and do a hair mask or use deep conditioner a few times a week for 15-30 minutes.

Microfiber towel

Normal bath towels are one of the 7 hair sins.  Microfiber towels (old t-shirts do the trick too) are more gentle on your hair and they decrease the tugging and pulling regular towels do.  So that twit you do with your hair in a towel after the shower
 not good for your hair at all! Instead, try ‘turbie twists’ or using a cotton shirt to help your hair dry. 

Woman smiling
Photo by Jeryd Gillum on Unsplash

Really. Conditioner is you and your hair’s new BFF. Think you are using too much? You’re not, trust me and thank me and the hair gods later. If you are feeling adventurous try a protein treatment while you are at it ( careful with these though, they take less time than hair masks (5 min top)  because they are adding proteins back to your strands, so don’t overdo it and stress out the bonds in your hair!)

Leave in

More conditioner? You guessed it leave-in conditioner or serums are great for after the shower to lock in moisture and add shine and softness.  I add mine after my shower, but before I put my hair into a *microfiber* towel, so it will soak up any excess product that my hair does not actually need. 

Don’t wash hair every day, seriously

Stripping your hair’s natural oils by shampooing every day is the number one cause of dryness.  Taking a hot shower can also dry out your strands, so doing it one a daily basis is just not necessary.  Grossed out my this? We are not saying don’t shower every day, just don’t wash your hair. The secret tip? Dry shampoo, if you haven’t heard of it where have you been, it will save your life.  By not washing your hair every day, it will allow your natural oils to work into your hair and add even more moisture into your hair so make it oh so happy!


Do you have special hair secrets of your own? Or are you ready to start your healthy hair journey? Let us know on social media and get your locks ready for the best summer yet!



Her Campus CWU President, Editor-in-chief, and Writer Senior at Central Washington University Major: Social Services Minor: Communications