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Ways to Communicate Your Feelings in a Relationship

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

We all know that when it comes to thinking about communicating with other people with our feelings, we could do a better job. I know that we could do a better job since, personally, I hold all my feelings in and do not express how I truly feel and what bothers me. Therefore, it is important to learn how to effectively express our emotions in order to improve our communication with others. I believe that our generation lacks face-to-face communication skills owing to the development of technology and social media. Face-to-face communication is rich in informal signals that clarify meanings and imply sentiments, while social media offers less thick ways of providing communication with feelings and emotions.

Building that line

When looking at how to communicate with people, whether you have a relationship with friends, family, or a parent, you know that it gets hard sometimes to have a great line of communication with them. This difficulty in communication can arise due to various factors, such as differences in opinions, misunderstandings, or even emotional barriers. However, by actively listening, expressing empathy, and being open-minded, it is possible to establish a strong and effective line of communication with those around you. I have had my share this school year with long distance, and I can say communication isn’t the greatest. I know it can improve for both parties, but it requires effort and understanding from both parties. The lack of face-to-face communication skills is due to technology and social media. I would say that social media does have its benefits for those who need it, but when you are in the same room with them and all you are doing is being on your phone, that’s where communication is lacking, and you can probably see how the other person is feeling: like they are not important or valued in the conversation.

Effective communication with others requires the ability to express emotions effectively. However, our generation often lacks face-to-face communication skills due to the development of technology and social media. Face-to-face communication is rich in informal signals, while social media offers fewer ways to convey feelings and emotions. Self-disclosure is crucial for establishing connections and building trust in relationships. Without self-disclosure, it can be difficult for others to understand our emotions and for us to truly connect with them. Effective communication involves active listening and being present in the conversation, which can be challenging in a world filled with distractions and constant connectivity. You shouldn’t have to feel like you have to disclose everything to everyone you talk to, but only to people you have a close relationship with and that you trust. Emotional intelligence helps navigate social situations and fosters healthier relationships.

To express yourself effectively, make your message clear, clarify your emotions, and express your needs, wants, and feelings utilizing ‘I’ statements. Taking responsibility for your own emotions while making sure your partner understands them. I’ll give you a couple of examples since I use them when communicating with close friends and family and sometimes my partner: “I feel like you don’t listen to how I express my feelings when I tell you about them” or “I need you to give me some space when I’m feeling overwhelmed.” I know that sometimes you will see this TikTok floating around. I normally see it in May, but it talks about marriage, but I think it goes for relationships as well. If you or your partner can’t give the full 50 percent that day, it’s important to communicate and support each other so that the remaining 50 percent can be picked up by the other person. No marriage is going to be 50/50 all the time; it’s going to be 20/80 or 90/10, and that’s how your relationship is going to look as well. It’s about finding balance and being there for each other when one person needs more support.

This concept of give and take in relationships is crucial for maintaining a healthy and sustainable partnership. It’s important to recognize that both individuals will have their own strengths and weaknesses, and there will be times when one person needs more support than the other. By understanding this dynamic and being willing to step up when needed, couples can create a strong foundation of support and understanding in their relationship. You should also note that if you let your friends have a say in your relationship and how it goes, it is not going to last as long as you want. It is okay to ask for opinions, but at the end of the day, it is your relationship with that person. Trusting your own judgment and prioritizing the needs of both you and your partner will ultimately contribute to a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

Hi am Lauren I am from Poulsbo WA, I am a junior this year majoring in social services and minoring in Law and Justice. I work a full time job at Central Washington Disability Resources helping people who self identify with a disability find housing or get on social security disability or even apply for food stamps. I enjoy writing topics about people with disabilities and laws around woman’s rights.