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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dalhousie chapter.

We have all had our days when we simply do not feel like doing anything. But unfortunately, this feeling can lead to a number of important things left unfinished. Do not get me wrong, I do love my free time, but let’s avoid procrastination as best as we can. 

Here are seven ways to get out of the dangerous routine of leaving things until the last minute. 

  1. Make a schedule

I find this tip very useful. There are many ways to keep a schedule and it really depends on what you prefer. Having a whiteboard that outlines a weekly schedule is something that works for me. Other options that I have heard of include keeping a to-do list on your fridge. Since a person usually goes to their fridge at least once a day, you are bound to see the list. Beyond this, there is also the ‘online schedule’ option. I find that physically writing something down leads to better recollection, so this option would not be my first choice.

  1. Have a study buddy

While this pertains more to school work, it is still important to mention. As a lot of you readers are in school right now, working on a project or studying for a test with other people may be something you find useful. Having that other person to basically force you to work on something ahead of time gives you that extra push. Now, if you are working with someone that does not take their work seriously
that is where a problem can arise – so choose wisely!

  1. Put your phone down

Checking my phone every 10 seconds is something that I find myself doing on the daily. I am sure many of you are in the same boat. Literally as I am writing this, I seem to be looking at my phone everytime I see a notification appear. As you can tell, you should do as I say and not as I do. If you know that you should be getting something done, put that distraction down. Keep it out of the room that you are in. With the phone out of sight, it then becomes out of mind. 

  1. Think about your priorities

Doing whatever really needs to be done can be the most stressful task to tackle, but if it is the most important, then it is worth starting earlier rather than later. You should remember that if you leave something until the last minute, it will just make you feel worse. 

5. Do not use the “I will do it tomorrow” mentality 

This is a trap that we can all fall into too quite easily. Honestly, who knows what is going to happen tomorrow, so it can be dangerous to think in this way. If we find time to do something – there is no need to push it back. It can easily get pushed back to the next day, and the next, becoming a very vicious cycle.

6. Try not to over analyze your work

 If you are a perfectionist, this is for you. If you have already reviewed something three times, there is a 99% chance that this is as good as it is going to get. Do not waste your time over analyzing something. It is a great thing to care deeply, but you should not stress over something that may affect the next item that you need to complete. 

7. Start small

Start by enforcing a new habit, such as leaving your phone in another room, for a half-hour. You can then work your way up to an hour. When you begin doing tasks like this in small increments, it does not seem impossible. 

Darsi is a general writer for Her Campus Dalhousie. She is in her fourth year as a student at Dalhousie. Travel writing, journaling and writing daily affirmations are some of the ways she enjoys putting her thoughts out into the world. Writing is a passion that she wants to explore. Some important things in her life are music, traveling, food culture and taking care of plants.