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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dartmouth chapter.

           Her Campus Media aims to include all voices of those who don’t feel like they have a space for creative expression. And we love and appreciate everything that Her Campus has given us in terms of creative license and a space to make wonderful art.


           We call the Dartmouth chapter HXCampus in the aim to respect our content creators who don’t necessarily conform to a binary gender identity. And while Her Campus media is very mindful to state that they aim to include all voices, regardless of identity, HXCampus still fits us best. We choose to call our personal campus chapter HXCampus with regards to the wishes of our membership, and we love and respect every single contributor who feels brave enough to write their truth.  

           While very proud to call ourselves a member of the Her Campus family, we just want to reaffirm our commitment to the HXCampus label in terms of our personal chapter. Because we aim to write to reflect the world in all its complexity and immense beauty.




Sophia Whittemore is a Correspondent for the Dartmouth HXCampus branch. When not working on HXCampus, they're writing webcomics on Webtoons, Pride books for Wattpad, was a staff writer at AsAm News, and has published the "Impetus Rising" series back when they were in high school. Sophia's also a geek, but who isn't?