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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dartmouth chapter.

Here’s to laughing with your friend as you bleach your hair at 4 AM and see it turn a shade of neon so bright that you swear that there isn’t enough toner in the world to cover it up.


Here’s to singing songs as you take up a pair of scissors that are really nose trimmers and cut around the entire section of your hair and see it fall apart in choppy, square blocks because it’s the first time you tried to cut your hair before.


Here’s to wondering if the people in the self-haircut tutorials are really just magicians and wizards wielding at-home supplies like miniature miracles.


Here’s to smiling at the result in the mirror because, hey, it might not be the look you were going for, but it’s enough to be a significant difference. 


Here’s to the clock ticking down past midnight hours to new days, and as you look in the mirror, new beginnings.


Here’s an ode to midnight haircuts and hair dye and stained fingers with blues and purples and green shades. Here’s to not regretting a single moment of shaving one’s head or cutting up bangs. 


Here’s to layers and curls and purple shampoo. Here’s to the midnight hours leading to midnight haircuts. Keep on changing. 


Keep it up, loves. 

Sophia Whittemore is a Correspondent for the Dartmouth HXCampus branch. When not working on HXCampus, they're writing webcomics on Webtoons, Pride books for Wattpad, was a staff writer at AsAm News, and has published the "Impetus Rising" series back when they were in high school. Sophia's also a geek, but who isn't?
Aishu Sritharan

Dartmouth '20

Aishu Sritharan is a member of the Dartmouth College class of 2020.