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5 Signs That You Live in Belk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

While no dorm is objectively better than any other dorm, and I cannot comment on other dorms since I haven’t lived there, I can confidently say that living in Belk is a helluva good time. Being one of the four freshman dorms–Sentelle, Watts, and Richardson being the others–Belk is full of new faces and new experiences. It has its own unique quirks and features. So, here are 5 signs that you live in Belk:

1. You still do not know everyone on your hall.

We’ve all been there. You see a new face start talking and the question of where she lives comes up:

Me: “So where do you live?

Stranger: “Oh I live in Belk”

Me: “No way me too! What floor?”

Stranger: “Third floor”

Me: “No way….me too….”

Stranger: **Cringes**

Me: **Slowly walks away**


2. You also don’t know anyone who doesn’t live on your hall.

Living in Belk is very secluded–you don’t know anyone who lives in Belk, but you also don’t know anyone who doesn’t live in Belk. The building is so big that there are always new faces and you don’t feel the need to venture 50 ft to another dorm.


3. You dread doing laundry (sub-basement is your nightmare).

The sub-basement is THE DEATH OF ME. Living on the third floor means that I have to go down 4 flights of stairs for every load. Don’t play with me and tell me you don’t get winded walking up those stairs, even if it is only to the first floor.


4. You don’t realize what a privilege your central location is.

Everything and I mean EVERYTHING, is central to Belk. Wanna go to Commons? Go out the back door. Union? Go out the east stairs? Chambers? Try those east or central stairs. Want to print? We have our own computer lab in the building! Everything is within walking distance. We just do not realize how lucky we are.

5. You love BLAB!

Speaking of the computer lab, Base Lab (affectionately known as BLAB) is the place to be. It is a quiet study and workspace with two rooms full of white boards and tables. BLAB is the hidden gem of study spots. Pro tip: it is also a great place to chill while you are doing laundry so you don’t have to climb Mt. Everest (a.k.a., the stairs) too many times.


If you are interested in writing an article for Her Campus Davidson, contact us at davidson@hercampus.com or come to our weekly meeting Mondays at 8 p.m. in the Chambers 1003.


