Self-Selection has passed, bigs and littles have been revealed, and spring break has come and gone. In addition to panicking over midterms, eating house members get to agonize over something else: semi-formals — and the accompanying dates. While there may be some variety, odds are that three out of our four houses are going to pick the My-Tie theme. For those who don’t know, My-Tie involves your friends asking a date for you and then obtaining said date’s tie. You wear the tie to the event and find out who your date is based on whose tie you’re wearing. This can be fun, scary and a chance for your friends to play matchmaker. Here are the seven types of dates you can get stuck with…
1. The boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other
Pros: There’s no mystery behind the tie you’re wearing, and you know exactly what your night entails.
Cons: There’s no mystery behind the tie you’re wearing, and you know exactly what your night entails.
2. The guy friend who’s in a relationship
Pros: Maybe you’re in a long-distance relationship, and with this guy, you’re both on the same page. Just friends, no expectations, and your SO can’t get mad because your date has a SO, too.
Cons: He’s not your SO. And when all of your friends are DFMO’ing, you’re left standing talking to this guy and texting your boyfriend. Either that, or you both have undeniable sexual tension and can’t act upon it.
3. The guy friend you have who’s NOT in a relationship
Pros: You’ve been “just friends” with this guy since freshman year. Nothing is awkward, and you know you’re going to have a great time dancing and hanging out with him.
Cons: Your night with him is not going to continue post-, and you’re going to have to deal with your mom/grandma/aunt commenting on Facebook about “your new boyfriend” AGAIN.
4. The girl friend
Pros: You’re hanging out with your best friend in a pretty dress, you can drink as much as you want with zero judgment, you can dance on top of tables with zero judgment, and you basically just have an amazing time.
Cons: There are literally no cons to this option.
5. The hook-up buddy
Pros: You’re already physically attracted to him, and it’s mutual.
Cons: Did you overstep a boundary by having a friend invite him to a semi-formal for you?  Does he think you’re trying to DTR? You’re going to have to talk to him for a while – what if you hate everything he has to say?
6. The set-up (by your friends)
Pros: He might be that guy you’ve been crushing on from afar or that really hot soccer guy you’ve always wanted to talk to. On the other hand, he may be someone your friends think you’d have fun with.
Cons: He shows up drunk, only talks to his buddies and keeps getting your name wrong.
7. The risk manager
Pros: You’re keeping your fellow eating house members safe, and they owe you.
Cons: That ugly red shirt. No drinking. Watching all your friends have fun from behind the bar.