Attention all Davidson students: The last break of the year is officially over, and from here on out it’s back to the daily grind. But fear not friends—within the month all your hard work will be paid off with months of sweet, sweet summer sun. The only dilemma now is figuring out what to do with this tantalizing month between you and your freedom!
Luckily, the Her Campus National Team and Her Campus Davidson Chapter have got you covered. On April 13th, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Her Campus Southern Charm Tour will be dropping by the Union Outdoor Ampitheatre. With the tour will come an afternoon filled with fun, games, and free swag – open to all Davidson students!
Plus, HC co-founder Windsor Hanger Western will be signing copies of The Her Campus Guide to College Life: How to Manage Relationships, Stay Safe and Healthy, Handle Stress and Have The Best Years Of Your Life, so be sure to bring your copy or pick one up if you haven’t already. Can you think of anywhere else you can find eyebrow expertise, dorm room goodies, and autograph opportunities all rolled into one big study break? Didn’t think so. So get ready and get pumped for the Her Campus Southern Charm Tour, and bring your cornhole A-game with you!