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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

It’s no surprise to hear that climate change is one of the biggest problems facing us today. As a result, wildlife is going extinct, forests are catching on fire, coral reefs are dying and even the quality of air we breathe in has been affected. 


While it seems like such a large issue that is difficult to fix, we can all play a part by advocating for change and welcoming more environmentally friendly elements to our lifestyle.


Start a conversation about climate change


The more you educate yourself and those around you on climate change, the easier it becomes to make changes. Whether that is getting your family to watch documentaries on climate change, or straight up sitting down with a cup of tea and addressing what you as a household or friend group can do differently.


Make a greener commute


It’s so easy to just hop in the car to go to the shop or collect your takeaway when its miserable out. However, the emissions from the fuels burned in our cars contributes to an unhealthy climate. Instead, take the bus if the location is too far to walk or else walk. A 15-minute walk to the shop is better than putting toxins in the air.


Avoid plastic where possible


Of course, it is extremely difficult to just cut plastic out of your life for good. Instead, think about when you use plastic the most and if that can be swapped out for something more sustainable. For example, bring tote or reusable bags to the shops with you, invest in a bamboo toothbrush, buy some metal straws. When you stop using unnecessary plastic, you are also preventing a build-up of unnecessary waste. 


Introduce more plant-based foods to your diet


Of course, you don’t need to become a vegan in order to save the planet, but by cutting down on meat and dairy products it can make a big difference. Cows release methane, a greenhouse gas, on a daily basis which damages the ozone layer. When making almond milk, 50% less water is used compared to when making cows milk. As a start, you might start meat-free Mondays or even have one veggie or vegan day a week!


Get politically active


This is an obvious but important way you can advocate for change. Do what you can, whenever needed by signing petitions, emailing TDs, attending virtual seminars and protests. Anything you can do to educate yourself on the politics behind climate change will help you become more confident in using your voice to push for more to be done to save the planet.


Why not start this week and choose one small way you can make your lifestyle eco-friendly? Change needs to happen now before climate change gets too out of hand and it’s too late to fix it.

Journalism student and editor of Her Campus for DCU.
BA in Economics, Politics and Law DCU. Currently studying European Union Law in The University of Amsterdam. Campus Correspondent for Her Campus DCU 2020/2021!