Tired of always trying to hide your dark circles with makeup? Well, you are in luck because TikTok’s latest trend is achieving the look of dark under eyes.
A whole industry has been created around makeup and covering up all our flaws including those tired dark circles we have all been trying to get rid of for years, until now.
This latest trend includes adding a darker tone using a lip crayon to the inner corner of the eyes and dragging that tone underneath the eye. It is then shaded and blended out.
Katie Higgins who has worked in the beauty industry for over 10 years said, “I think this trend is a bit mad. I have been trying to hide my own dark circles for years and now they are the latest trend.
I have to say this is what I love about the industry. It’s constantly changing and evolving. It was not long ago we were trying to hide our freckles with full coverage foundation and now people are drawing them onto their faces. You just never know what will be next.”
TikTok has been a platform where many people embrace their insecurities, not dressing up for videos and showing their followers what real bodies look like instead of trying to create the perfect body image.
Higgins said, “I think this trend can show people that dark circles are natural, and they aren’t something to be embarrassed about or to hide.
We are learning more and more to accept our appearances and embrace our natural looks. I think it’s really positive to see young people expressing acceptance of their bodies and of others.”
In the beginning, many TikToker’s were reluctant to join the new eye bag trend however, it has been growing in popularity since the new year.
Gemma Ryan a TikTok user said, “When I first heard about this trend, I thought it was going to look horrendous but actually the people doing it really pull it off.
I don’t think this trend will be here for long but it certainly does make you think of what will be next.”
Although it is hard to predict what the next latest trends will be, you can be sure that each one may be more shocking than the last.