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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

Living far away from university can be stressful. While others can leave for class ten minutes before it starts and still arrive on time, you have to start your commute at least an hour before. 

The dread of having to face your long commute at the end of the day can also be draining especially with the thoughts of traffic. However, instead of regarding your commute as exhausting and as wasted time, you can use it as an opportunity to relax or be productive.  

If you are taking public transport, you could use this time to work on university assignments or to plan your next week. This time can be your productive phase in the morning that others may have in the quiet of their room.  

If you don’t mind loud environments, this is the perfect time for catching up on your to-do list! In the evening, it can also be a time to prepare for the next day or review coursework.   

Of course, being this productive in the morning or after university can be hard. If you are too drowsy and exhausted to actively work on tasks but still want to take advantage of the  commuting time to do something useful, you could listen to podcasts. This is not only possible for people commuting with public transport, but also when you are driving by car to university.  Podcasts can be your opportunity to learn about a topic you were always interested in. They can help you understand certain subjects for university or even support you in your future goals, like learning another language. This way, you can use your commute to finally start pursuing the goals you have always wanted to go after.  

Understandably, you may be a little bit too tired to even passively think about such plans before and after university. So, your time in the public transport can be used to relax before or unwind after a day full of lectures and tasks.  

There is also nothing wrong with taking your commute slow and relaxing such as reading a book or just listening to music. They can be great ways to mentally prepare for the day ahead or process your experiences at university.  

When you’re commuting it can also be a great time to connect with family and friends by calling them or responding to their messages.  

So don’t let your commutes ruin your day. Even though long commutes can seem annoying. You can turn them into an opportunity to learn more, get things done or use it as a space to step back from the hustle and bustle.  

Hi and “Hallo”! My name is Elena Henriette Ballhaus Santistevan and I am an exchange student from Germany studying a Joint Honors Degree in English and Business in my second year. I am currently taking English literature, linguistics and culture modules and I hope to be able to implement my knowledge of these topics in my writing. I love to listen to all kinds of music wherever I go and I love to watch movies and series, too, especially if they get me in the mood for autumn at the moment. I love to see new places and travel and I am always working on improving my ability in new languages, such as French or Spanish. I would love to write on a broad range of topics, but especially ones that deal with life as a student, particularly an exchange student, and contemporary topics regarding life, culture and career. I hope that the texts I will be writing have a positive influence on somebody, whether it be because of good tips or just as a good read!