Finding time for self-care and wellness during a busy college semester can be a momentous task, this however, does not mean it should be something left to the wayside. My favourite way to squeeze it in is through listening to podcasts on my commutes or by playing them in the background while I do some bits and bobs around the house. Whether you are looking for interesting listens, journaling inspiration or a mix of both; these three are bound to be a great place to start.
Unlocking Us With Brené Brown
“We don’t have to do life alone. We were never meant to.”
*Rated as 4.8 stars on Spotify, based on 8.4k reviews.
In Unlocking Us, Brené Brown uses her twenty years of experience to explore topics around connection, courage, vulnerability and real-life emotions to help unlock what it means to be who we are. In some episodes, Brené will have a chat with guests who bring their own unique experiences to the table and in others, she will explore new research or breakthroughs in social sciences. Episodes are usually between twenty-five minutes to an hour, so perfect for a commute or a study break. If you find yourself wanting more, Brené Brown has several TED Talks and has written a few books, all around the same topics.
Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown –
“Armed with a PhD in Neuroscience and plenty of personal experience, I’m breaking down mental health so you don’t have to.”
*Rated as 4.8 stars on Spotify, based on 3.4k reviews.
Hosted by Mayim Bialik, who you most likely know as the actor who played Amy in The Big Bang Theory, Mayim is, in addition to being an actor, a well-renowned Neuroscientist. In her podcast, co-hosted by her partner Johnathon Cohen, they break down myths and misunderstandings surrounding mental health and emotional well-being. Using her career in both science and the public eye, she interviews different guests and encourages them to share their own stories in an attempt to destigmatise mental health and shed some light on important topics. This is a personal favourite of mine that I would completely recommend. Episodes average around an hour to an hour and a half. If you’re looking for some food for thought for journaling, look no further.
Psychology of Your 20s
“A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s.”
*Rated as 4.8 stars on Spotify, based on 24.2k reviews.
If you find yourself entering your 20’s and asking questions like “How do I have better first dates?”, “What is the psychology behind the ick” and “How do I conquer my fear of failure?”, then look no further. Jemma Sbeg, the host of Psychology in Your 20s and a Psychology graduate, is providing the research behind all of the burning questions we find ourselves asking as we lie in bed at night or as we have brunch with our girls. Your 20s are a big time for transitional and wonderful experiences that come with roadblocks, lessons and opportunities, so why not explore the research and find out how best to survive this new era. Episodes average around forty minutes to an hour and the perfect listening material for your hot girl walk …or your hot girl lie down on the couch.
Happy listening and if you have any recommendations, feel free to reach out, I’d love to hear them!