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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

Do you love music? Have you thought about turning that passion into a career? Then CMA-EDU is the perfect fit for you! But wait, what is CMA-EDU you ask? CMA-EDU, or the Country Music Association Education Program, is a new RSO on campus that gives you the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the music industry.

For all of you non-country music fans, don’t be discouraged, because the incredible experiences we offer within this field are unlike that of any other RSO on campus. We partner with music executives and country artists to put together Q&A sessions with top industry leaders, intimate acoustic performances with some of your favorite artists like Hunter Hayes, and field trips to concert venues where you’ll be taken on backstage tours before the performance to see what pre-concert prep is like.


So whether you’re the next CEO of a major record label, or just a country loving college student, make sure to join CMA-EDU! Come out to one of our meetings, Thursday 2/18 at 5:30 PM or Thursday 3/3, at 8:00 PM both in Purnell 233A.

I've got the age of a young adult, with the appearance of a small child. But it's like Shakespeare said, "Though she be but little, she is fierce!"5'1" Junior Mass Communications major, novice guitar player, and serious booknerd. 
Amanda Schuman is a junior at the University of Delaware. She is currently majoring in communications with a concentration in mass media and double minoring in journalism and interactive media. Amanda is passionate about all things communications whether it's social media, public relations, writing or just networking. In her free time she can be found watching sit-coms on Netflix, with a book in hand or eating anything sweet. You can follow her @bluehen_amanda