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Easy Ways to Incorporate Exercise into Your Daily Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

As college students, we are at the age in our lives where we are beginning to be the most naturally athletic and fit that we will be in our lifetime. As much as our bodies are in their prime, during these years we also put them through a lot of stress and sometimes even neglect due to many habits such as late night snacking or partying. It is easy to give into these habits and most of them are fine in moderation, but overtime they can take a toll on your mental and physical status. Exercising increases natural endorphins in the body which can lead to happiness, a better sleep cycle, and of course, a healthier body and overall being. Even if the idea of going to the gym horrifies you (hello weightlifting floor of the Little Bob) there are plenty of ways to be active and healthy in your everyday life without even thinking about it.

First off, walk to class!!!! It may not seem like it but this is a great form of light exercise. Depending on where you live on campus and where your classes are located you can easily get 2-5 miles a day in just by walking to and from class, meetings, and meals. Opting to walk instead of taking the bus or driving gives you a chance to stretch your legs in the morning and really wake up before you sit in class all day. Throw on some headphones and it becomes an even more enjoyable way to start your morning. Walking is such an easy and important way to squeeze in a little bit of exercise throughout the day.

Secondly, take the stairs. Whether you are walking to your classroom in an academic building or if you live on any floor besides the first in a dorm, choose the stairs over the elevator. Taking the stairs can be a great way to add exercise to your day. There are stairmaster machines in the gyms so don’t think that taking the stairs does not count for anything!

If you are looking for something to do for fun outside of class and are a competitive person, join a sports team. There are many sports teams offered here at the University of Delaware on many different levels. If you do not want the commitment of a team sport, there is always the option of club sports or intramurals. If you do not want to be on any team but still want to play sports, grab a friend and a ball and go play on one of the many fields and courts we have at the University. Remember, they are there for a reason so use them! Playing sports is a great way to meet new people, have a fun time, and of course, exercise.

If you are feeling bored or adventurous, go for a hike or a walk with a friend. We are so lucky to be so close to White Clay Creek, a beautiful trail system right at the edge of our campus. White Clay is a great place to go for a walk, run, or hike to clear your mind when the many stresses of college are getting to you.

There are many excuses to avoid exercising, but there are even more ways to be active without taking time out of your day to go to the gym for a traditional workout. If you incorporate these easy and relaxing ways to exercise daily, you will feel more energized and accomplished in no time! So, go download a pedometer app or invest in a fitbit and challenge yourself to get out there and be active!