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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delhi North chapter.

What do you think is the best part of the week? Most of you might answer by saying the weekend! I feel that’s what this generation longs for. Weekdays tend to be full of work, appointments, and deadlines, starting from the busy Monday morning to the Friday night, each day seems tiring and fatiguesome. I crave weekends. As a college student, I’m always occupied with my assignments, classes, and other academic commitments. Weekends are the only days that guarantee me some sort of rest.

My college doesn’t have an off on Saturday, therefore, Sunday is the only day wherein I can recharge myself. Following an exhausting routine without breaks can pose health implications. Thereby, making it important to have your ‘me-time’ on Sundays. ‘Me time’ is a new age concept, emerging as a by-product of self-love. It can be explained as the conscious effort made by one for their selves. It’s subjective – for some, it could be spending time in solitude whereas for others it could be a fun outing with friends. For me, it encapsulates writing, going out for a walk, and having a good amount of sound sleep. It certainly refreshes me. This bubble of busyness can become a cohesive loop having no end to it. Urban life, in general, revolves around this culture. It is characterized by tight schedules, late-night work, and an unbalanced personal and professional life. However, a respite from this may help to a great extent.

Sunday, how relaxing is it to even hear this word! It brings along a sense of comfort and relaxation. For most students, it is the perfect day to relax and recharge after a tiresome week. With smart planning, Sundays can be made both productive and restful. Let me run you through my honest Sunday morning routine, a practice that has enabled me to cherish this day of the week!


Waking up a little later than usual on a Sunday morning is plausible. It lets me wake up refreshed and relaxed. However, this doesn’t translate to oversleeping. The peace of morning is not to be missed. The next being a Monday, I’m always dreaded with the thoughts of Monday blues. The muffled morning gives me a chance to plan the very day and the next day better. I’ve observed that waking up refreshed aids my mind in processing and planning things better. For example, completing my to-do list for the day.


Enjoying each step of the day is the key. I take sufficient time to get ready and make sure to do so. These may include taking a hot shower, doing skincare, and dressing up. I make a point to enjoy my leisure time thoroughly, after all, it’s only a day! This helps me maintain a positive attitude and pushes me to be more active. Activities like journaling, exercise, and meditation also help to a great extent.


Going out for a brisk walk is a good idea. Soaking up the sun energizes me rather than being slumped. This act of spending time outdoors recharges me and uplifts my mood, thereby strengthening my body for the upcoming week. For me, a well-spent Sunday brings considerable productivity and encourages me to look forward to the week ahead.


Sundays for me are all about amusing myself wherever I find comfort, either by staying at home or by going out. At home, my sense of comfort is having a cozy breakfast, playing with my dog, rearranging, or decorating my room. At times, I also prefer going out for lunch with family or friends. Such activities make me feel satisfied by providing me with a relaxed environment.

A typical Sunday morning for me is waking up a little later than usual, having me-time, and setting goals for the upcoming week. It entails practicing mindfulness through my activities. For me, indulging in boujee treats is another way to create a peaceful Sunday morning; away from the clutter. Being boujee can be elucidated as an urban slang that refers to something luxurious and self-comforting. For instance, having a long hot shower, dressing up, or maybe showing up at a fancy salon. A weekend getaway might also help to unwind. At the end of the week, I yearn for Sundays to have a pause button as it seems to get over too quickly in comparison to the rest of the week!

I hope my experience could be of some help to you. Most of us sail through a jam-packed routine, and thus taking respite on your off days should be looked forward to.

Aarzoo Rohilla, is a writer at HerCampus Delhi North. Being a political science enthusiast, she prefers to dwell in arenas which certainly pose an impact on the society from the lens of politics. Beyond this, she pens down about real life experiences and worthy happenings from the surrounding. Aarzoo is currently majoring in Political Science from Indraprastha College For Women, University of Delhi with minor in psychology. She possesses deep rooted inclination towards these subjects. She has been part of NGO’s wherein she has worked closely for the social cause. Being a part of an internship at Fortis Hospital for mental health, she has worked for pushing away mental health stigma. In her leisure time, she is usually engaged in penning her diary. She firmly believes that “you’re one of a kind”. As one goes by her name which translates to desire, she’s striving to fulfill them. Aarzoo enjoys spending time with her dog and can never say no to dance.