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5 Ways to Combat the Freshman Year Slump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.



Ellie Toth


People have told me about the so called “sophomore slump.”  You’re no longer a freshman, where everything is new and exciting, but you’re not yet a junior when you’re on your way abroad.  So what is different about sophomore year? Nothing.  School is slightly harder, every party is the same, and nothing seems that fun anymore.  Sound familiar, sophomores? You’re not alone! Here are some ways to get out of that slump and go back to loving college life!

  1. Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!

Before you know it, gloomy winter will be here and you will regret all the afternoons that you spent napping on a perfect fall day. Schedule at least a half hour into those perfect weather days to take a walk with friends, go for a jog, sit on the quad, or walk to Whit’s! No time for that? No problem! Take your notes and textbooks to a picnic table outside and breathe in the fresh air as your study! Getting a little bit of sun every day will improve your mood and get you to take a step out of that slump.

  1. Treat yourself a few times a week.

For some people, it’s as simple as saying, “If I study for another hour, I can go get candy.”  If that doesn’t seem like enough, plan a dinner with your friends on a Friday night.  It gives you something to look forward to all and week and gives you and your friends a chance to catch up at the end of a busy week! Try a new restaurant or go to an old favorite.  Either way, it’s an excellent way to treat yourself after a hard week.

  1. Apply to go abroad!

Even though you’re only a sophomore, now is the time to start thinking about your upcoming plans for junior year! While applying to go abroad is a tedious process, the outcome is worth it.  It is really exciting to look at the many different places in the world that you could potentially study in for a semester.  And when you’re not doing schoolwork, you can be applying to go abroad: a productive study break!

  1. Join a new club!

If nothing else is as new and exciting as it was freshman year, join a new club! It’s the perfect way to meet new people and try new things.  It’s like a freshman year experience all over again.  Choose something that you’ve never done before, or something that you have always been interested in! Either way, you can’t go wrong by trying something new and seeing what you like!

  1. Most importantly, focus on the good relationships you have at school.

Instead of putting all your efforts into rekindling an old flame or trying to stay friends with an ex, focus on the strong friendships you’ve already made! While sometimes it is hard not to focus on the problem relationships in your life, it is better to focus on the ones that are already great. In the end, those are the relationships are the ones that will be there forever.  And that ex? He’s probably too busy hitting on freshmen girls to think about being your friend.  Time to move on.

No matter what works best for you, keep doing things that you love.  Focus on the good things in your life and the sophomore slump will be gone in no time!

Ellie is a member of the class of 2016 at Denison University.  She is an English major with an emphasis on Creative Writing and a Psychology minor.  From a suburb of Detroit called Beverly Hills, Ellie loves coffee, chocolate, J.Crew, and spends too much time on Buzzfeed.  Along with writing for Her Campus, Ellie is also a member of Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity at Denison. When she's not writing for class or Her Campus, you can find her re-watching The Hills episodes.
Kaitlin is a sophomore at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. She is currently studying Economics with a minor in Communication. When Kaitlin isn't studying, you can find her attending events for her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, writing articles, playing tennis, or watching Bravo obsessively.  As a Bravo fangirl, she would love to meet Andy Cohen.