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My Best Halloween Costumes Throughout The Years

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. Ever since I was in elementary school I’ve loved dressing up in costumes, It was something I looked forward to for months. And I have to attribute my love of Halloween costumes to my mom, who was extremely dedicated to making sure I had an amazing costume every year. I especially liked when we would go to craft stores and gather fabric, felt, feathers and any other random materials to construct the costume. Sometimes I didn’t even understand how we were going to make it, I was just along for the ride. 

So this year I’ve decided to rate my top five best Halloween costumes. Almost all of them are from when I was a very stylish elementary school student and many of them were homemade.

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5. Angel.

I was so excited to be an angel that year, mostly because I felt very grown up and mature in my white dress shoes. The mask was another highlight of the outfit, for years afterward I kept it prominently displayed in my bedroom. 

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4. Sunflower. 

This costume was very cute and simple. Unfortunately, I didn’t know what was going on and had trouble embracing the spirit of Halloween.

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3. Jellyfish. 

Definitely the brightest costume I’ve ever worn, the other trick-or-treaters used me as a flashlight to guide their way through the crowded streets. I’m still not entirely sure how my mom turned a dollar store hat into a glowing jellyfish costume but I do know that it required lots of shiny blue fabric. Needless to say, I loved this costume. 

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2. Owl.

When I was in elementary school I was obsessed with owls. I think it started when I did a project on barn owls in second grade. Barn owls are objectively the creepiest of all the owls and they kinda look like Voldemort. But for some reason I just loved them and that year, my mom bought tons of brown fabric and made the cutest owl costume I’d ever seen. 

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1. Haunted Elevator. 

Yes, my costume was an elevator when I was six. I definitely stood out a little and I had some trouble sitting at my desk but nevertheless, it was still a great success. My mom made this from a cardboard box that she covered in tinfoil. She left a small opening for the elevator doors and let me draw and cut out some “monsters.”  

Honorable Mentions:


A) Luna Lovegood. 

This was the peak of my Harry Potter obsession and also the last year I could pull off those glasses.

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B) Bumblebee.

 Not my most creative costume but I definitely had the coolest leg warmers.

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C) Pumpkin. 

I think I was probably the cutest pumpkin ever (not that I’m biased or anything).

Ellie Owen

Denison '25

Hey, I'm Ellie and I'm a freshman from Silver Spring, Maryland. I'm so excited to be a part of HerCampus at Denison because I'm passionate about writing! In my free time, I like to watch movies, dance and hang out with friends.