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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.



We all have flaws—face it. We are all human on this earth and what makes all of us women beautifully different is that there are just some things about ourselves that we may, or may not, be proud of. Well, it’s time to stop doubting yourself because each and every one of you ‘nasty women’ are all so f*cking beautiful.

People may not understand us women. People may not accept us women. People may even doubt us women. Not me. I am standing alongside every one of you reading this.  

I’ve had a fair share of ups and downs—who hasn’t? I think many people do not realize that every woman goes through something so individually different, yet someone else may be going through the exact same thing. There are many things that I have experienced throughout my womanhood that some may deem gross, weird, unnecessary, high maintenance, low maintenance, or plain out dumb. I hope that I can reassure everyone that there is no such thing as a “perfect life.” I like to live the “imperfect life” because messing up is a part of my world as much as yours.

1. We have no clue what we’re doing in life.

Even if you think we have our plan under control, we’re probably stressing out about what we really want to be doing with our lives. It’s okay though, because it will always work out no matter what.

2. We eat whatever the hell we want.

We don’t just eat salads, we eat spaghetti, pizza, burgers, fries, you name it. We’ll eat whatever we want whenever we want it. Calling postmates to deliver  Jimmy Johns at 11pm or Insomnia Cookies at 2am is our groove. We’re human and we eat!

3. We’re sensitive and will cry about it.

We’re gonna shed tears and waterworks. At some point in our lives there will be some really unfortunate situation where we just break down in the middle of the grocery store or the post office. Give us a hug and tell us it’ll be okay.

4. We’re strong and will cut a b*tch.

Even when we cry, we fight. We’re not afraid to stand up for what’s right. We’re strong, brave, and absolutely capable of fighting back when necessary.

5. Yes, our bras will come off.

It’s true. Bras are the first thing to come off when we get home. We’re gonna let our ladies loose!

6. We don’t have time to “look good.”

For many of us, doing our “faces,” is the last thing we wanna worry about. We’re beautiful without makeup anyway!

7. We will belt showtunes at any hour when we feel like it.

We’re gonna preach the whole Hamilton soundtrack in the shower and the whole Wicked soundtrack when we get out. It feeds our soul.

8. We all have tummies.

We’re not robots. We all have stomachs that come with a little cushion. Embrace it and some of us even name our tummies, too.

9. We overanalyze and will obsess over things.

We’re gonna stress over little things, like what that professor said about our bad paper, or that guy said about our body. We’re gonna worry, but we’re strong and will get over it.

10. We’re messed up and we run this world.

We all have our little things that make us women alike. We mess up and we’re messed up, but we fight and we will fight.

Natalie is currently a junior studying Public Relations and Advertising with a minor in Spanish and Event Planning. She is an avid beauty, interiors, and lifestyle enthusiast. When she's not doing yoga or obsessing over her golden retriever pup, you'll find her writing in the SAC, library, at the Stu, and basically, anywhere she can get good wifi connection at DePaul.