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5 Ways to Foster Your Creativity This Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

Summer offers the chance to finally breathe, take a break from stress, and have a little more time to ourselves. It is a time that, if used to its advantage, can be used to nurture our creativity and fight boredom in a constructive way. This summer, I am dedicated to less couch-sitting and to more boundless creativity. Join me by using any of these five tips!

1. Start a blog

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

It is no longer the days of ‘mommy blogs’ and food recipes, blogs are the new medium of choice for those looking to expand their reach and explore their interests. If you have a passion for something, or simply love to write, starting a blog is a free way to keep you busy and keep you thinking throughout the summer.

2. Adopt a new hobby

Photo by Victoria Bilsborough on Unsplash

Nothing makes me feel more accomplished or revitalized than creating something. Get really into photography. Teach yourself to knit. Take up painting. It makes the summer feel longer when you give yourself a task or goal to accomplish each day.

3. Travel


Photo by anja. on Unsplash

Sometimes the best way to get that spark back is to change your scenery. If you have the funds, plan a trip to somewhere new. Or take a road trip to a new city for the weekend. If you are short on cash, then find a new place in the city or town you live in. Be a tourist for a day in your own town.

4. Learn something new


Photo by Burst on Unsplash

With finals and assignments finally over, the last thing you want to do is probably learn. But hear me out – it is proven that learning something new improves our happiness and helps us feel more confident. I’m not asking you to read a 600-page book on the Vietnam War (unless that’s what you’re into). You could learn an instrument or a new language. You could take wood shop classes at your local rec center. Find something you are interested in and truly explore it this summer.

5. Avoid boredom and monotony


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

If there is anything you take away from this, I hope it’s this: don’t lay on your couch and watch Netflix all summer. It can be so tempting to spend all your new-found free time napping or catching up on all the shows you’ve missed. The best way to dodge creativity is to do the same thing over and over again.

It happens almost every summer: June rolls around and it feels like I have the whole summer to attack that summer bucket list, and before I know it, it’s August and I haven’t crossed off a single thing. So don’t wait. Find a balance between relaxation and activity. Get started right away and make this the best summer yet!



Bailley is a PR & Advertising major from the great state of Minnesota and will remind you every chance she gets. She is a self-proclaimed doughnut enthusiast, an avid reader, and a fan of witty comedy. You can catch Bailley caffeinating the world as a barista or desperately applying for copywriting internships.