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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.
If you ever get absolutely sick of eating at the Student Center and dealing with the so-called Mexican food they have to offer, I have the perfect recipe for you. My close friend and neighbor has come up with the ultimate guacamole recipe you can make right in your dorm – no kitchen necessary! You don’t need any special ingredients or tools, and it tastes just as awesome as any other guacamole you could buy at a grocery store.
The best part-all ingredients can be found at ETC. or the Kitchen section of the dining hall and purchased with your meal plan money! (P.S. You could go ahead and buy the guacamole from Kitchen, but let’s face it-it’s bland and gross, and it costs $4.50 for 4 scoops worth of guacamole.)
Here’s what you need:
From ETC.:
  • 1-2 Ripe Avocados (if it’s soft and squishy it’s ripe)
  • 1 Bushel of Cilantro (or as much as you prefer)
  • 1 Lime
  • Salt & Pepper
From the Kitchen:
  • 1-3 To-Go Cups of Corn 
  • 1-3 To-Go Cups of Pico (Or as much as you prefer)
The How-To:
  1. Start by slicing the avocado and scooping it into a bowl. 

    Pro tip: Stick the pit of the avocado in the bowl of finished guacamole-this prevents the guacamole from turning brown if you wish to save your leftover guac for later. 

  2. Mash up the avocado with a fork. Add as much corn, pico, cilantro, and salt and pepper as you like. We like to add a little bit of each and taste, then add a little more and taste, and so on.  
  3. Lastly, slice the lime in half, and squeeze the lime juice into the mixture. 
  4. Mix up all of the ingredients, and serve with tortilla chips! 
  5. Stick the avocado pit in the mixture and cover with plastic wrap if you want to save your guacamole for later.
The best part about this recipe is that you don’t need to chop anything up, limited supplies is needed, there isn’t much clean up, and your meal plan covers all of the costs. 