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The Easiest Way To Dress Up Your Apartment According to Nora Fleming

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

The recents protests, and countless injustices against the Black community, have of course brought the conversation of white privilege into discussion. White Privilege should be something that is discussed all of the time, however it has become even more apparent in the recent weeks. I am white, and I experience unearned advantages everyday due to the color of my skin. I have donated, advocated, and had hard talks with my white peers about white privilege but I need to continue to evaluate my privilege each and every single day. I have seen distant friends on facebook or instagram followers (now unfriended and unfollowed), quick to defend police. One girl from my high school explained that we should just forget about our problems in the world today because it was her friend’s birthday. There are other white individuals who fall silent, when it is no time to be silent. I have decided to follow in light of Peggy McIntosh’s essay, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Backpack, I have decided to make a list of just a few privileges that I have not earned yet cash in every.single.day. I enjoy my white peers to do the same.

The Home Depot

  1. I have the privilege to ignore politics especially those pertaining to race.
  2. I have never lost friends or acquaintances due to the color of my skin.
  3. I have never wondered if getting a job, scholarship, etc. was a way to make a group look more “diverse”.
  4. I do not fear for my life in the presence of police.
  5. I can wear a hood, baggy clothing, etc. without being followed by store owners, police, etc.
  6. My culture remains mainstream and can be understood by many.
  7. I am not disportionately affected by diseases or illnesses like COVID-19, hypertension, etc. 
  8. I can enter into a room and expect to be represented by my race.
  9. I can see my race represented in the beauty and fashion world.
  10.  I am always seen as American, and never have to defend my citizenship.
  11. I am never denied from things such as housing, occupations, etc. because of my race.


These are just scratching the surface of unearned privileges that white people can expect to have. I encourage my peers to read, watch, and learn from the Black community. It is not our turn to speak, it is our turn to listen and assist. Please call yourself out on privilege. Ask, did I earn this or this something I am granted due to the color of my skin? Do not expect to be praised for donating, posting, or protesting. This is the bare minimum, we should not be praised for being actively anti-racist. If you take offense, you are adding to the problem.