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The Sexism Swift Has Suffered

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

After rising to stardom in 2006 with her first hit Tim McGraw, and eventually writing and performing around 5 dozen more songs for teenagers to dance around in their rooms to till the night ends, Taylor Swift soon became the common dirt bag’s favorite subject to scrutinize regarding her sex life and how it supposedly ties into her talents or lack thereof. Whether you are a fan of her or not, it is easy to agree that the delight misogynistic idiots have developed for bashing this woman in particular is indubitably nightmarish.    

Throughout the course of summer 2015, the Taylor Swift Punching Bag took a lot of swings: 


Kanye West Was Not at His Kanye Best:

Rapper Kanye West released his music video for Famous, with lyrics detailing that he deserves sexual favors from Swift because he, like many other famous males, have been the sole providers of her fame. In idiot theory, Swift’s bad experiences with men are solely responsible for her apparent prowess in producing albums – maltreatment, disappointment, and heartache are what fuels her success in the entertainment industry. Never sheer talent, imagination, or creativity. Swift owes it all to the bad boys. In frustration from his lack of sex from Swift and about a dozen other celebrities he considers to be “bitch(es)” he supposedly “made famous”, West did his Kanye Best to imitate his sexual desires via their incredibly lifelike nude wax figures in bed with his own. I believe this philosophy to be incredibly flawed for a plethora of reasons, particularly that

B. Swift had numerous awards for her work before Kanye, in his mind, made her “famous.” He needs to give this absurd notion a Kanye Rest already.


Canceling Calvin Caused a Catastrophe

After roughly 15 months of dating, Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift did what the vast majority of humans do with their relationships – break up and move on. Most unfortunately, the internet decided that grilling her for being human was a fantastic idea. They also conveniently forgot to wonder aloud if maybe Harris has a “problem” with dating and lurk through his romantic past, resurfacing anything they found interesting. Coincidence? I think maybe not. 

A Sandwich Spread Stupidity

Jennifer Mayer’s tweet comparing her daughter’s vagina to a nice, neat sandwich as a result of her commitment to Christian values, presumably abstinence before marriage, while demoting Swift’s as a messy one with its contents spilling out as a result of supposed “lack of faith”, went viral on the social media site of its original publication along with numerous others. Mayer, along with a plethora of others (retweets and favorites went well into the thousands) believed that they had every right to make judgements and assumptions about Swift’s sexual and spiritual beliefs, as they deemed themselves to be all-knowing experts on how she lives her life, and then compare it to another girl whom they also obviously know everything about. I find it horrifying that such leeches had the audacity to agree with and spread this nonsense, and am saddened that bashing women is so common of a hobby in pea brain culture. These creeps’ behavior is parallel to a twisted, perverted version of Santa Claus; they see her when she’s sleeping. They know when she’s awake. They know if she’s been “bad or good”, and think she better be good for her sake, less she wants another sandwich.



Marta Leshyk

DePaul '20

Aspiring high school English teacher who hopes to help students learn to love and value themselves the way an old friend once helped her. Loves cats immensely, and enjoys iced coffee in the dead of winter. Is the proud daughter of immigrants, and learned English from Elmo, the ultimate PBS scholar.