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Trends on Campus: Chloe Mitchell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

Junior Chloe Mitchell prepares herself for class by throwing a button down camo print shirt from Urban Outfitters over a black shirt from H&M. To pull the look together and keep herself warm, Chloe wears a black infinity scarf from H&M, black leggings from American Apparel, and Timberland boots. 

Ellyse is the Founding President and Editor-in-Chief of the DePaul University branch of Her Campus. She is currently a senior studying Public Relations and Advertising. Ellyse is originally from the Chicago suburbs and loves spending her college career enjoying all that the city has to offer. In addition to Her Campus, Ellyse is also a member of Delta Gamma. She hopes to one day work in either public relations or event planning and to one day own her own business. In her free time, she enjoys shopping, spending time with friends, catching up on blogs, quoting movies like it’s her job, pinning for hours and working out.