At some time in college, you may find yourself living in a live-out, duplex, or apartment. Living in an apartment can be a great way to acclimate yourself to “real world” living, so don’t take it for granted! As someone who has lived in an apartment for the summer and during the school year, here are some tips that I have learned to make the most of your apartment living!
Host social gatherings with friends
Apartments are generally pretty small, so you probably won’t want to throw a full on-party, but it can provide a great space for small get-togethers. Whether you want to have a pregame, movie, spa, or game night, take advantage of your space and have some fun with it!
Learn how to cook
Cooking while also doing sports or clubs and school may be daunting, but living in an apartment gives you a great and unique opportunity to learn about cooking and prepare for life after college. I’m not saying you have to go full-on Tasty video with every meal, but try meal prepping a bit or making that dish you Pinned and never thought you would actually make. Even learning some small skills can be super useful and make life a little easier later!
Get a small pet
Getting a small pet is something that you may be able to do while living in a dorm, but an apartment provides more space to have a fish, hamster, frog, or other small creature. Having a pet in a community area can be a great stress reliever and also ground you by caring for something else. If you’re not ready to care for a living, breathing animal, maybe try a plant as a first step and upgrade later!
Be open and honest with your roommates
Whether you are already close with your roommates or are just meeting for the first time, it is incredibly important to be honest and have open communication with them. Apartment living adds extra common spaces that can get cluttered, especially the kitchen. It is important to balance tasks such as doing your dishes and taking out the trash so that you have a great relationship with your roommates and a clean apartment! This seems simple, but don’t be afraid to call people out if they’re messy…they probably know already and need the extra push to clean up.
You don’t have to go all out, but seize the opportunity to decorate more spaces such as a kitchen or bathroom! You’ve upgraded from a dorm, so take advantage of your awesome new space and make it your own. Unlike a dorm, an apartment provides much more space to socialize, eat, cook, and live in, so make the most of your space!
Hopefully these quick tips help you to make the most of your apartment now or in future semesters. Apartment living really is a great way to learn so many valuable life skills, so take advantage of it while you’re still in college!