If you’re as big of a nerd as me, then you probably get hyped to hear Harry Potter mentioned and take every chance you get to meet fellow fans. As a big Harry Potter fan, here are some moments that you are sure to encounter during some point of your journey.
Trying to sort new people you meet into houses
You probably don’t really know someone until you know what house they’re in. It could say a lot about a person, and when they’re in your house you know that you’ll be fast friends.
Struggling with the fact that movie Ginny just isn’t the same
Many fans were disappointed of the portrayal of Ginny Weasley in the movies, as she is not as strong and independent as depicted in the books. #notmyginny
Getting tagged in every Facebook post related to Harry Potter
Themed athletic clothes, escape rooms, card games, hotels–you name it, and you want it. If it’s Harry Potter-themed, chances are that you’ve seen it…multiple times.
You can’t wait to learn something new every read-through
I mean, we can’t all be Hermione, even though we would like to. Not matter how many times you’ve read the series, there is always something new to learn, which is why we love it.
Freaking out when someone you know is reading the series for the first time
If there was a way to go back and read the series for the first time again, you would definitely do it. But since you can’t, you live vicariously through your friends and the spiritual experience of the first read-through.
Saving up all of your money to go to the homeland…Universal Studios
You’ve probably planned this trip for years, as it’s the closest thing to a letter to Hogwarts that you’re probably going to get. Buy all the things and live your best life, because Harry Potter World is truly a magical place.
Creating a Harry Potter-themed Pinterest board
When Pottery Barn rolled out their Harry Potter-themed collection it was practically begging to be pinned, along with themed tattoo ideas and cool costumes.
I hope I’m not the only nerd out there who can relate to these very Harry Potter moments! Keep learning all about Harry Potter and finding others who love it just as much as you.