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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Once you meet Akil Davis, you won’t ever forget him. Whether its sporting a stylish mohawk, greeting everyone with a great personality and smile, or breaking out some dance moves, it is no wonder everyone on campus wants to get to know him better. Akil is a sophomore RA for College Street Hall this year, and also plays violin for the group, “Bootleg String Ensemble.” Her Campus writer, Marie Schloneger, sat down with Akil to get to know him better.

Her Campus: Hey Akil! How has your year gone so far? Anything eventful happen?

Akil Davis: Well, so far sophomore year has been pretty great, although extremely busy. I am a RA this year, but I love my residents and I love the classes that I’m taking. 

HC: That’s awesome, I’m glad you are enjoying your sophomore year thus far. So you mentioned that you are an RA this year, do you think you’ll return as a RA your junior year?

AD: Probably. Depends on how this year goes, but so far I think I may. 

HC: When you’re not busy with RA duties or classes, what do you like to do on the weekend?

AD: Well during the day I usually go to a lot of sporting events and get a lot of homework done between each one. Sometimes I’ll visit my friends that live in the fraternities and sororities because I don’t get to see them very often anymore. But I also like to watch movies with my residents. 

HC: Wow! That sounds like you have a lot of school spirit and are able to do a lot of different activities. Speaking of fraternities, what is like your “go-to pump up song” at parties that you can break out the crazy dance moves?

Akil: “Wop”, definitely “Wop”! Or “Black Widow”. But sometimes, if you get hit with a good classic song like “Low” or something like that, it also gets people pretty pumped…Oh! And anything BeyoncĂ© really. 

HC: Haha can’t wait to see those dance moves! So with fall break coming up, anything in particular that you are looking forward to?

AD: Honestly, I’m excited to just relax at home, see some friends, and go out to eat at all of my favorite restaurants. 

HC: Sounds like my kind of fall break! Relaxing and filled with non-Greencastle food! Well as we wrap up, there’s one question that I have to ask: anyone in particular your crushin’ on these days?

AD: Haha, no one in particular at the moment. But who knows what may happen. It’s still early on in the year. 

Thank you, Akil, for letting Her Campus get to know you better! Â