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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Hi everyone. Let’s be honest. Life is tough right now. Of course it has moments of goodness, but in general, life feels like one piece of bad news after another. I’m sure I speak for almost every college kid in existence when I say I am burnt out. Hours on zoom, barely leaving my house, and not having a break are just some of the ways that have contributed to me feeling completely exhausted. 


Most days, I wake up and do the same exact thing: go to morning class, do homework, eat, afternoon class, eat again, homework, sleep. This cycle repeats itself day after day, and very rarely changes. I am exhausted, unmotivated and apathetic. It has gotten progressively harder to get out of bed expecting anything other than the sequence described above. I sit in my classes, staring at my computer, and trying to find any sense of motivation to do more than the required work. I lack passion and spark for anything I am learning. Lower test scores do not disappoint me as much as they used to, and everything takes longer to do. Never in my life have I felt this way, and therefore it takes an emotional toll as well. It is hard to fight the feelings and effects of burn-out but as students, do we have any other choice?? We have to get the work done regardless. 


But experiencing burn-out has allowed me to learn about myself. It has forced me to find any reason to shake up my day: whether that is a workout, a special meal, or an online interaction with friends. It has shown me just how much I have to rely on those closest to me and helped me see who exactly I can rely on. I have gotten to spend more time with my family than I ever expected, which is a wonderful thing. 


To anyone reading this who might be feeling exhausted, and burnt out, I just want to say you’re so strong. Keep pushing. You got this. Take an hour to do something for yourself. Take a quick nap. You deserve a break. Thanksgiving is so close, and we all got this :) 

Detroit Vs. Everybody Biochem Major Lover of all things gluten free :)
Hi, I'm Katherine! I'm an Anthropology major. I am a member of the Honors Scholar Program, as well as a Bonner Scholar.