If you’ve been on Facebook during the last couple of weeks, you’ve surely noticed a difference in posts from DePauw’s campus. This positive turn around in social media is all thanks to DePauw Compliments, an anonymous page that allows students to submit posts about their peers to brighten up their days and to help them realize people are seeing great things in them.
Her Campus: Even though your identity is unknown and your page concept is pretty new, thanks so much for still doing this online interview! Let’s start off first with why you came up with the refreshing idea to create DePauw Compliments?
DePauw Compliments: I believe it’s best to look for the good in people. Seeing beauty and goodness in others makes you a better, happier person. I was inspired to make the page because many of us see amazing qualities in others, ones they may not see in themselves, and thought that sharing those compliments could make someone’s day and make them feel loved. I choose to find something positive in everyone and always try to see the good in people, and getting more people to think like that would not only make them a happier person but also create a more loving community.
HC: Today, I think that concept is key in our consumer-driven society and materialistic world! Especially on college campuses, it’s important to have sites on social media to keep your thoughts and intentions in check. With this in mind, what were you expecting the response to be?
DPU C: I first created the page on March 4th. I was shocked by how many people were immediately interested in the idea. By the second day, DePauw Compliments had 600 Facebook friends, people were talking about it on Yik Yak, and I heard people bring it up during conversation. I was thrilled to have created something that so many people were happily willing to take part in. DePauw Compliments currently has a little over 1,300 Facebook friends, and I’m amazed by the amount of kind messages that have been received.
HC: That’s certainly a huge jump in just a couple of days. That must be such an awesome feeling, knowing you created something so great! Do you feel like people are taking the concept of the page seriously?
DPU C: Definitely. The messages people are sending in are very loving. I think people truly do like the idea of sharing kind thoughts and making others feel good about themselves.
HC: Oh for sure, it definitely would brighten my day if someone anonymous saw something good in me and wanted me to know it didn’t go unnoticed! How do you pick which responses go up?
DPU C: I have posted almost every single message that has been sent in. There are only a few messages that I’ve chosen not to post. If a message won’t make someone feel good about themselves, or is not a compliment, I won’t post it.
HC: That’s so awesome that almost all are uplifting and meaningful messages, way to go DePauw! Have you noticed a difference on social media as a result of your page and making people’s days with anonymous shout outs?
DPU C: It’s amazing how supportive people are of each other on the page. It’s fantastic to see so much positive energy in one place, and I hope it will also spread outside the page as well.
HC: With how successful the site has been this past week and with how quickly it’s picked up, do you believe all campuses should do this? Especially with DePauw’s past history of Yik Yak and how it always comes down to negative comments…your page is the opposite, and it’s refreshing to see how social media can be, and that it can be beneficial!
DPU C: It would be great if more campuses had this. It is a reminder that we are a community and have to support and spread love toward each other. It’s really sad to see negative posts about others on Yik Yak because I can’t understand why someone would want to make someone else feel badly. I can assure you that you will be happier and feel better about yourself if you do good and are kind to others.
HC: Seriously such important reminders. If you had to encourage people to keep submitting posts on the anonymous Google Form on Facebook, what would you say?
DPU C: If you have anything nice to say about someone or something, post it! You never know what someone might be going through, and receiving a compliment out of the blue can completely change someone’s mood and make their day.
HC: Seriously, even if you don’t know the person and want to give them a shout out or if you’re friends with them and want to remind them of how great they are, definitely submit the post! How long do you plan to keep this up for?
DPU C: My hope is that DePauw Compliments will last for a long time and continue to brighten people’s days. As for now, I will continue to run the page anonymously, but maybe down the road people will find out who I am.
HC: Well hopefully through this article, you’ll get the credit you truly deserve!
DPU C: Thank you so much for reaching out to me!