If your love of food and “foodstagrams” is anything close to mine you may follow a lot of Food Blogs and foodstagrammers. I often hear from friends and family that my social media pages are over-flowing with food and not always in a good way. I guess I should start separate accounts for all of my food obsessions! Anyway, my favorite inspiration comes from @foodintheair. This “Food-a-holic” asks that you take pictures holding your food in the air and tag him in for a regram post. So I started taking my own Food in the Air pictures…Check ‘em out… and look our for recipes in the upcoming blogs!
Yep, that is a s’more, BUT not just any old s’more. It is a gourment s’more.
Graham crackers smeared on one side with peanut butter and chocolate and sliced bananas stacked on the other side sandwich a perfectly golden toasted marshmallow! I will never eat another normal s’more…
This was by far one of my favorite meals the entire summer… Charleston, South Carolina Farmer’s Market shrimp and grits. They were amazing.
These next two meals come straight from the Upper Green Mountains in Cora, Wyoming. The first is a heaping spoonful of Chinese Cole Slaw and a slice of 4 different types of pizza! All homemade.
And the last picture is from a picnic in the mountains. Three different types of cold salads, pizza bread, baked beans, and “funeral sandwiches.” Again, all homemade.