I’ve always been a morning person. Since I was little, I have always woken up around 6 am, and throughout high school, I would workout before I went to class. Since coming to DePauw, I have slowly shifted my schedule to spend more time with friends during the nighttime and sleep in later. While this is a perfectly normal and productive routine, it was never mine.
Just these past few weeks, I have been waking up at 6:30 am and working out with a friend. There are many great things about this. For one, I get to start my day out feeling accomplished, sort of like how making your bed starts your day with an accomplishment. (If you’re looking for an AMAZING book recommendation, read Make Your Bed by William H. McRaven). Another great thing about waking up and working out is that I feel more energized and start my day out less stressed. Usually, the first hour people wake up is when they are most stressed. So, working out allows me to take that nervous energy out immediately. Working out with my best friend is an added bonus because she helps keep me accountable and starts my day out laughing. I highly recommend finding a gym buddy – it has revolutionized my workouts.
One of the best feelings is going to the gym when it is dark outside and leaving when the sun is just rising. It is like you’re awake before the world is, and it is just some special time for yourself. Another added bonus is that the gym is less crowded at this time, and you never have to wait for a rack or machine.
This is all just my opinion. I’m 100% a morning person, but not everyone is. This is not a shameless plug to convince you all to become morning people. It is just me recognizing that returning to the schedule I love most has never made me feel better than I do now. Take your passions and things that make you happy, and incorporate them into your daily habits. Your happiness should be a priority, and there is always time to build it into your schedule. Find what you love, and do it often. It makes life so. much. better.