Over the past couple days, I’ve been reading and seeing an abundance of posts about happiness. A couple have made me smile, and I wanted to pass that feeling along to others. Before I introduce two specific posts, I wanted to give you three ways to turn your day around.
- Smile at strangers and say hi! My close friends laugh at me for this one but I can’t tell you how many friends I’ve made by just smiling and saying hello. It makes others feel acknowledged and it physically makes you happier when you smile!!
- Make a happy playlist. Add any song you love or used to love. Throwbacks are always a solid choice. You know you loved Hannah Montana back in the day, so go ahead and throw in “Nobody’s Perfect” or “I Got Nerve” to jam out. Better yet, I don’t think anyone can resist “Baby” by Justin Bieber.
- Hug someone! Okay, don’t go around hugging complete strangers, but if you see a close friend or someone you love, hug away! Hugs release stress and endorphins, so you will get a boost. It’s a win-win.
Alright guys, positive things happen to positive people. My dad has repeated this phrase to me since I was 5 and it has stuck with me. Any time I get down, I try to remember to remain positive and get rid of negative thoughts.
Aaron Miller, a close friend and a student at DePauw, wrote an amazing blog post about the power of positive thinking and how it can change your life. I’ve provided the link to his blog and I encourage you to take a couple minutes to read it. It is inspiring and he’s funny! Enjoy :)
I have one more link for you guys! It’s a Ted Talk by Shawn Achor about the Happiness Advantage. He keeps it light and has an awesome message.
I hope you find some insight from this article or the links I provided. Above all, I hope you have a happy and fantastic week!! :)