Katelyn Rogers: Some people get an adrenaline rush from a roller coaster ride or jumping out of an airplane. I feel that rush when I nail a routine at halftime. I love the performance aspect. I also just love being able to cheer on our football and basketball teams and be a part of that game day atmosphere.
HC: Why did you choose to come to DePauw?
KR: I’m one of those trust your instincts, go with your gut, listen to your heart, kind of person. When I came to campus for an open house, I just sort of knew. It’s hard to explain. I hadn’t even heard of DePauw until I started looking for colleges. A speech from President Casey was one of the first things on our agenda for the open house. I remember sitting in MeHarry Hall being like this is where I’m supposed to be. It wasn’t the academics or the alumni connections or the Greek life that got me here, although all of those things are great. I came here on a feeling. Now I can’t imagine being anywhere else.
HC: Do you enjoy cheering for basketball season or football season better?
KR: That’s a tough one. I like them both for different reasons. I love football season because of the game day atmosphere. The tailgates, the game, the families, the alumni; school spirit is at an ultimate high on game day. I love basketball season because, well, I just love basketball. It’s such a fun sport to watch and play, and cheer for of course.
HC: How do you juggle cheerleading and your schoolwork?
KR: We have two-hour practices two to three times a week plus games and other events. Some weeks, like Monon, are busier than others, but usually it’s pretty manageable! Also, our coach really stresses the importance of academics, so, if we are ever having trouble, she is there to help us figure it out.
HC: When did you start cheerleading?
KR: Growing up, I had always been that freakishly tall girl that towered over all the other kids my age. Naturally, I was a basketball star, that is, until everyone else started to grow and I couldn’t just stand there with the ball above my head. Much to I’m sure my father’s dismay, I decided to give up the basketball career in high school and try something new. I went to a pretty small high school that was relatively new, so not every sport was offered. I quickly befriended two girls when I started my freshman year who happened to both be cheerleaders. We were young, ambitious and perhaps naïve so we thought, what the hell; let’s start up a cheer team. We created a thorough proposal, found a faculty member to sponsor us and presented our pitch to our school’s athletic director. Whether he admired our spunk or was just crazy, I don’t know, but after talking to the school’s higher ups, he approved our proposal. So, within a couple of weeks, 2 cheerleaders and a newbie created an 8-member squad with practices and uniforms and everything. Having never cheered before in my life, I was forced to learn fast, considering I was now a co-captain of a cheerleading squad. Long story short, along with my other 2 founding captains, we led the team to multiple performances, a magazine cover and a feature on TV.
HC: What advice would you give students wanting to tryout for the cheerleading squad?
KR: Just go for it. Our try-outs are pretty low stress. Yes, skills are important, but my advice for girls (or guys) who want to try-out is to come in with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.