This week, Her Campus met with Kira Singer, a first year from Columbus, Indiana. She is a potential Communication and Spanish double major.
Her Campus: Hi Kira! Would you like to start by telling us what you’re involved in?
Kira Singer: Here at DePauw, I am a member of the cross country and track teams, a media fellow, on the D3TV executive board, a member of Alpha Chi Omega and in Love Your Melon.
HC: What is Love Your Melon?
KS: Love Your Melon is a brand that gives 50% of all their profits to childhood cancer along with giving free beanies to kids who are fighting. What we do is help brand for the company and raise awareness for childhood cancer.
HC: That sounds like a great cause! How did you get involved with that?
KS: My friend Brittany Welker started the DePauw Love Your Melon campus crew. I got involved through her!
HC: And now that you’re involved, where do you see this club going in the future?
KS: We are just starting up so we are pretty new. In the future, our goal as a committee is to earn enough points to go to a local children’s hospital and deliver Love Your Melon hats to children there. As of now, we are trying to figure out the direction we want to club to go and how we will be able to grow. In the near future we will be tabling to get out more information of how people can get involved.
HC: We can’t wait! How can someone get involved with this?
KS: For now, follow us on Instagram at dpuloveyourmelon, and like us on Facebook at DePauw Love Your Melon Campus Crew where you can receive information about the club!