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Lee Harmon ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

HerCampus: Can you begin by telling the readers about yourself?

Lee Harmon: I am a Math major, a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, I run track, I am a member of Greek Intervarsity, and I’m on Mortar Board, a Senior National Honors Society.

HC: What is Greek Intervarsity?

Lee: It’s Greek Christian organization on campus.

HC: How long have you been running track?

Lee: I have been running track since the 8th grade.

HC: What events do you do in track?

Lee: Multi-events like the heptathlon. It is seven different events. You can gain points for each event.

HC: How did you get involved in the heptathlon?

Lee: My brother did the decathlon and my parents really got into it, so I did too.

HC: What are you going to miss most about track?

Lee: I am going to miss the people most. We have a really entertaining group of people on the team. We can be serious when we need to be serious, but when you don’t want to be serious then you’re not. There’s something about running in sub-freezing weather that you just bond over.

HC: Do you know what you are going to do when you graduate?

Lee: I have no idea what I am going to do. I have considered a bunch of different things and I have been looking at jobs, but I am not stressed out. Everyone knows that the first job out of college will probably not be the one that you end up having forever. I decided that I am going to let myself enjoy spring semester and then get down to applications after.

HC: What has been your favorite memory of DePauw?

Lee: This is a hard one…Okay, freshman year, Thomas Balcom lived in Bishop Roberts with me and we all used to hang out in the lobby. Thomas was really into music, so he brought out speakers and we took them down to the tunnel between Longden and BR and had a huge dance party. Honestly, after four years at college, that is still my favorite memory.

HC: Do you have any advice for Her Campus readers?

Lee: Don’t stress out too much about what your future is because then you lose focus on what you are doing now. Be conscious of future, but you have impact on what is going on now. Be in the now and enjoy those that are around you.