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In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

March brings the promise of warmer weather, St. Patrick’s Day, and spring break. But, like the old saying goes, March’s weather can be so unpredictable. It seems as if Mother Nature just cannot make up her mind all month long. This up and down weather can bring challenges of what to wear, as the risk of packing away those sweaters is too high. Luckily, there are some ways to keep your winter wardrobe all the way until the end of March.

Ladies, don’t put away those dark colored jeans quite yet! Jewel colored jeans paired with boots and a light colored top work perfectly to create a March outfit. Throw on a chunky scarf and you’re March ready. Another option would be to pair one of those comfy sweaters you lived in all winter with some light washed peg -legged jeans and flats. Or, another creative way to take those sweaters and prolong their use would be to throw them over a spring dress when warmer weather comes. 

That vest you used all winter as a layer to keep the winds from chilling you to the bone? Just throw that on as your jacket. You become fashionable and won’t die from heat stroke from that down coat you wore all winter. Those scarfs that kept your face from freezing will add an extra layer of warmth when those winds kick up. It’s also time to break out those Sperry’s and Toms that have been hibernating in your closet and replace them with your furry boots and snow boots.  


Freshman Colleen McDonagh says that this month she will for sure be wearing her vest, as it isn’t cold enough for the full -blown jacket.  She will also be sporting her Patagonia around DePauw’s campus. As for shoes, McDonagh plans on letting her Vans and Toms do most of the walking and retire those snow boots and riding boots.  

This month brings in a confusing time for Indiana weather but there’s no need to change your entire wardrobe simply because Mother Nature cannot stick with a temperature!

Hi I'm Colleen Whiting! Current sophomore at DePauw University, majoring in Political Science. I'm a lover of late night Marvins, football games, nature park walks, and instagrammed pictures of East College. I love HerCampus and writing about things that DePauw students (mainly girls) can relate too.
Rose Overbey

DePauw '20