Whether you’ve been on campus for three weeks or three years, college life is constantly presenting you with challenges. Now more than ever it is incredibly important to not only take care of yourself physically and mentally, but to also look out for your peers. Sometimes, red flags can go unnoticed just because you haven’t been taught what to look for. Thankfully, there are some invaluable resources available to you so that everyone can make the most of their college careers.
- The Indiana Lifeline Law and the Safe Community Clause
If you or your friends have been drinking to a point where serious medical conditions may arise, the state of Indiana has implemented a law that protects minors from certain alcohol-related offenses if they call for help in a medical emergency. This is to encourage students to reach out for help in order to prevent the loss of a life. While having fun is a central part to your college career, it is so important to stay safe at the same time! More information can be found here: https://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/2606.htm
2. Many students don’t realize what an indispensable resource the Health Center is. Not only can you schedule a free health and wellness appointment at anytime, but they also offer free counseling, something that would cost hundreds of dollars per session anywhere else. So, if at any point you are feeling overwhelmed, there is someone available to talk to. And the same goes for your peers. If you have concerns about the mental well-being of a friend, you could always suggest they make a visit themselves. Their website can be found here: http://depauwhealth.org/schedule/
3. Your RA’s and mentors have spent weeks being trained to deal with every situation imaginable that you may encounter during your time on campus. Not only do they know how to help you, but they’re excited to do so! These people might be the most underutilized people on campus because they can help you through those really tough situations as a guide but then slip back into the role of a friend to be there with you on a day just like any other. Make sure to get into contact with them because you sure will wish you had!