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Pithy & Profound: 5 Spring Break Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.


The Crew: If there is one thing that will make or break your spring break experience it will be your spring break crew! Choose wisely!! It’s not fun to spend half of the week fretting over drama, you want a group of people who are all about lounging around, sipping on a cocktail (or three), and up for any spring break adventure you can conjure up! Even if you’re not crazy about your entire crew, get over it for a week! You would be surprised at how much fun you will end up having when you just let bygones be bygones.

The Suitcase: There is one thing that always confuses us about spring break… THE HUGE SUITCASES! No, no, and no. There is no reason you’re suitcase should be nearing the 50 lb. mark at the airport if you are planning on going to the beach for a week! We won’t get started on all the specifics, but some things you HAVE to have include: a great swimsuit, cute cover-up, your new maxi dress, and your wayfarers. Pack that and you are sure to get through the week happily and stylishly.

The Destination: The Crew definitely makes or break a trip, but the destination is pretty important, as well. If you’re going to the beach, make sure you check the weather trends, because who wants to go to the beach when it’s raining? On the other hand, spring break does not mean you have to just go to the beach since you can literally go anywhere and have a great week of R & R. The key here is to treat wherever you are headed as a destination! Explore and try things you have never done. Even if you are just headed home, there HAS to be something that you have always wanted to try. Take a dance class or pack a lunch and go on a day hike!  There are tons of fun activities you can do to fill your time. 

The Food & Beverages: Sick of the Greencastle dining options? So are we! Take advantage of this time off campus! Treat yourself well with some tasty cuisine!! This doesn’t mean only eating out, go online and find some recipes you have wanted to try. If you are anything like us, you waste tons of time on Pinterest looking at the latest and greatest recipes. Speaking of food recipes… set aside some time to sip on some tasty specialty cocktails with friends! Though we DePauw students have a special place in our heart for it, this is your chance to get away from the “Natty Light” and “Chotch.” Our personal favorite island cocktail is a Painkiller.

The Camera: Not all spring break moments need to be captured or posted on social media, but there are moments you are going to want to remember. So… have a camera on hand! Nowadays it is likely that someone in your spring break crew is a dedicated photog, but bring your own just in case! Hint: maybe wait a few days to take the great group shots, that way you give yourself enough time to get that perfect tan!!


Happy spring break from your Pithy & Profound bloggers!!